You loved when you had no more love to give. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist. A bit later, concerned about creeping liberalism in that association, it split away to join the GARB (the General Association of Regular Baptists no, really, thats a thing). Even my Southern Baptist Church wasnt this strict! But if you think most of the people in your church would do that, or stand by those who did, your optimism is unwarranted. The Official Independent Baptist Rulebook, Known in Some Churches as Church Standards. The New Independent Fundamental Baptist (New IFB) movement is a loose network of independent churches concentrated in the U.S. connected by their belief in certain religious doctrines and a shared brand of deeply anti-LGBTQ and antisemitic teachings. See her report here: Hundreds Accuse Independent Baptist Pastors of Abuse.. Baptist. Autonomy of local churches: each church is independent. Ernest Willis found guilty of raping teen Tina Anderson, a fellow church member. When the apostles, the first members of the first church, and others went out preaching the Gospel and establishing other churches, this authority was transferred to them. It could be the case that Bishop Andonios is lying here. For the under one year old, a little, ten- to twelve-inch long, willowy branch (striped of any knots that might break the skin) about one-eighth inch diameter is sufficient. She then administers [to a three-year-old] about ten slow, patient licks on his bare legs. Even though its hard to get much farther on the theological spectrum from Catholicism than an independent fundamental Baptist church, this is exactly what happened in the Catholic Church. concerned about creeping liberalism in that association, it opted to go it alone. INDEPENDENT FUNDAMENTAL BAPTISTS FAR TOO MANY OF THEM RUN WITH DEVILS . How I struggled to free myself from this oppressive thinking. Grace alone. You have found True Christianity. The writings that I've read from former IFBs are some of the strongest testimonies to the strength and decency of the human spirit I've ever come across. The Bible has plenty in it of rules, and I doubt someone who believes in a burning hell forever can really get a supposed love message across. Thou shalt not drive a nice car for that is vanity and takes money from the missionaries who need airplanes and new tin roofs, and food out of the fat visiting evangelists bellies (unless your the man of god, then you can drive a Suburban or a $95k brand new F350). So, down through the centuries, the . In America, a former member of the Church of England, Roger Williams, separated from officials in the Massachusetts Bay Colony over his belief about church functions. They cant even follow their own bible when it contradicts their dogma. The items you are questioning are not the "doctrine" of independent fundamental Baptists. Cat got his tongue? Although I did finally deconvert I resent the years I lost trying to live under these ridiculous guidelines. If the crying is still defiant, protesting and other than a response to pain, spank him again. As a transgender woman, I find that interesting, to say the least! A case in which an adult woman publicly accused a prominent pastor of having manipulated her at age 16 into giving him oral sex and having an adulterous relationship: When Giovanelli resigned from Golden State Baptist College after the abuse allegation went viral, the chancellor of the college and the pastor of its affiliated church asked the congregation to pray for the church, the college, and the Giovanelli family. An Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Hate List Bruce Gerencser November 13, 2020 Evangelicalism 58 Comments The Bible says in 1 John 2:15,16 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. For the sake of consistency in training, you must follow through. The independent fundamentalist Baptist movement emerged sometime in the 1940s as an attempt to continue the legacy of the fundamentalist movement of the 1920s. Image Conscious And not to tell anyone. Some of the best godly preachers like Jonathan Edwards and Charles Haddon Spurgeon were Baptists. Oh my. Say the name of that group several times, slowly, and let it all sink in New. Thou shalt wear the sweatshirts & caps of your favorite basketball team; they are only evil & worldly if you choose to go to college there. They really spend too much time debating. * Maybe some can relate to this cartoon from NAKEDPASTOR. A few members of that church were hard-core, old-school fundies. Refusing to cooperate with other members in the Church. Rod Dreher is a senior editor atThe American Conservative. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. [8] They refuse any form of ecclesial authority other than that of the local church. Escape by Carolyn Jessop. The pharmacists priest even told her and her husband to leave the parish, because their presence was causing too much discomfort there. So men cant have facial hair but women can? The short answer is that going to the movies supported Hollywood. I was rejected by two independent fundamentalist Baptist congregations in two different states, but I stand in their defense. SPECIAL: Prayer Changes Your Brain in 4 Amazing Ways 1. I grew up in the IFB circles in the PNW. Or are you judging them by Gods word, which likely looks unfavorably on you? Shaking my head, wishing I had gotten out of that place sooo much sooner than we did, you know when I shouldve used my own brain and listened to my gut. And the all important, Thou shalt not, never, under no circumstances, not even in thought, criticize the pastor. Gods anointed, remember! You loved them in that (and a million other) ways. Thou waist. Today the name Baptist is used by many churches that are not following the teachings of the New Testament. Im not. What a list! , I was brought up in evangelical churches which clung to much of this dogma. The fundamentals first, then warp the bible to fit the fundamentals, and all gods people said.amen. Could someone please explain? This letter is in downloadable as a PDF here. Aug 10, 2008. If you have to sit on him to spank him then do not hesitate. Brightseat Rd + Third St. $43,000 - $55,000 a year. The beliefs are mainly Baptist and fundamentalist. They try to control people and do evangelize. A god who condemns people to an eternal hell for evil committed during a human lifespan isnt worthy of worship. And out of that love you gave them the best of who you are to do with whatever they felt they needed to. It is therefore literally true that God created the world in six 24-hour days; Satan is real, the enemy of God, and the instigator of all false religions; the theory of evolution is unscriptural and therefore without merit; hell is a real place where all who die without having accepted Christ as their Savior suffer consciously being roasted alive for eternity, and so on. You could look into resolutions by Fundamental Baptist Fellowship International or World Congress of . Meant to be taken literally, the KJV is inspired, inerrant, infallible, and the supreme and final authority in all things. Those independent Baptist churches which teach, as very many of them do, that the God-given inspired word of God is the King James Version typically teach that every other translation of the Bible is part of a conspiracy to remove the King James Bible, the ONLY real Bible, from our churches. *, At Christianity Today, Kate Shellnut offers a short, helpful summary of the Star-Telegrams horrifying findings, along with some reporting on how the independent fundamentalist Baptist community is responding to its revelations (not well). You did what you were supposed to do: you sacrificed yourself. They believed that the neo-evangelical emphasis on cultural engagement with the world, and especially liberal or mainline Protestants, was a mark of unhealthy compromise that would eventually undermine true biblical faith in America. So there is some good to the IFB movement. The problem was that the faculty was in charge of hiring new faculty. This list sounds alot like the Mennonite Church rule book. Where you claim what's true. Apr 26, 2017. Human life begins at conception. We look at what the Bible says about modern day issues and life problems. Every church we went to was full of fucking pedophiles and rapists. Zichterman recounts seeing an interview on television featuring Carolyn Jessop and realizing, for the first time, that the IFB was a cult. And lets not forget the old For him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin catch-all At my IFB church that I grew up in I loved how they used to use that one to justify saying anything they didnt agree with or like was a SIN . a couple of Greek Orthodox nuns are protesting the reinstatement of a priest, Todays Psychology Cant Help American Men. I am curious why the Ifb doesnt want Christians to go to the movie theatre? I escaped when I was about 20 and went to the world. More: Members instinctively go to the pastor first with problems, including those of a criminal nature. My religious upbringing was pretty bizarre, but this stuff? Learn More. Independent. (1) Some congregations have dominating pastors with unchecked authority. Never put him down and then allow him to get up. Trieber took his glasses off. Answer (1 of 2): The Fundamental Baptists that my Family and myself have been around varied wildly; some were more strict than others, while some were more lax with the rules they imposed on themselves and others. I know that they are KJV only and Arminian. Its a philosophy its flawed, said Stacey Shiflett, an independent fundamental Baptist pastor in Dundalk, Maryland. Baptism means that a believer is bodily immersed in water followed by being raised up out of the water again. If she doesnt approve of this, tough; she shouldve thought of that before she married you. I have no research or data to support this, but my sense is that this space between is growing and becoming ever more the center of gravity for white evangelicalism as a whole. The modern fundie bible is full of contradictions and lies. I started listening to country music, drinking beer, watching movies, and eventually joined the military. eyebrow, belly button, tongue) shall be permitted to be pierced. And screw 'em if they do. Only the KJV will be used in this group; please check . And because of your trusting love for them, you let them. Its pastor is divinely appointed and accountable to no earthly authority. The name Independent Fundamental Baptist Church is used traditionally by churches which pattern themselves strictly after the example of the early church, as found in the New Testament. Trieber did not respond to interview requests. The church I grew up in dwelt somewhere in that space. If your reliably unreliable Comcast wifi cuts out, or if your screen-saver kicks in, the paywall will prevent you from finishing the article. Women not wearing pants, women not working, women being not allowed to speak up in church, have any sort of leadership role, etc. 7 reviews. To question the sovereignty of the pastor is to disturb God's order and invite upon oneself separation from the church, and therefore from the very source of salvation and hope. I never understood it. Human nature is a destructive force. I vaguely recognize some of the standards that you mentioned, but not to the extreme that you have described them. After I graduated from that school I didnt wear a skirt for 2 years at my secular university! She gave me a five-minute counseling session and told me she would have to tell Pastor Schaap and the nurse, inform the doctor. They would rather believe a lie that upholds their comfortable lives than face a truth that challenges it. But they also have a high regard for the Bible. In response to an explosive investigation, top Southern Baptists have released a previously secret list of hundreds of pastors and other church-affiliated personnel accused of . You have left them now to themselves, and stepped into your own world. The philosophy is you dont air your dirty laundry in front of everyone. Transportation Services Coordinator. Look at the Catholic ban on priestly marriage, and the pressures that creates. Your comments are welcome and appreciated. I grew up in a similar church. The co-founder, Paul Kingsbury, recently was forced to leave his position at North Love Baptist Church in Rockford, Ill., for his role in helping a sex . First Baptist Church of Glenarden 4.5. This means that God changed his mind, yes? Thank the almighty for the military to fix that shiz, lol. Shame on you, sir. Here are the 5 key issues that have hurt the Independent Baptist world in some cases, as well as greatly damaging the lives of some believers: A Failure To Adequately Preach The Bible When our preaching goes backward, the whole apple cart rocks and soon turns over. sigh Do you realize how offensive your words are to unbelievers; people who struggled and agonized over leaving Christianity? In any case, we are definitely living in the end times before the 2nd coming of Christ. Still, Giovanelli found a soft landing at Immanuel Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida, where he is an associate pastor and head of the churchs book publication arm. It was they who lied -- first to themselves, and then to you. That is their unforgiveable sin. The scope, scale, and particulars of the widespread abuses they uncover are heartbreaking and enraging. Beside the fact that you were likely born into IFB and so never chose to believe anything about it one way or another, your allegiance to IFB means nothing more than that you love. Jackson filed a police report. Please reconsider Jesus and the Gospel. Its not a good thing.. Those who opposed the Great Whore of Revelation before the rise of the Reformers were again you guessed it; BAPTIST CHRISTIANS who came before the Protestant Christians ever came to existence and I am proud of my Baptist heritage. In 1976, Dr. Jack Trieber was called to pastor this work. Answer (1 of 7): >> Why are Baptist Churches so legalistic? Meant to be taken literally, the KJV is inspired, inerrant, infallible, and the supreme and final authority in all things. I got a good laugh reading the list brought back some not so good memories from my time in a IFB church. Please be advised that this rulebook is subject to change at the whim of the pastor. * This paywall nonsense is unnecessary, counter-productive, and really disrespectful of the papers investigative team. Other than Toledo, the 419 area code is pretty rural. I cant for the life of me understand why, disgruntled as you are, you would go out of your way to take a personal hand in someones trip to eternal punishment. True Independent Fundamental Baptist Churches uphold the purest teachings of the early church as revealed in the New Testament." . The primary function of a woman is to have children, who then become her mission field. New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist churches (also known as the New IFB) or officially the New Independent Fundamental Baptist Movement are an association of conservative, King James Only, independent Baptist churches. - Forums For Independent Baptists - Online Baptist Community I ask this for your opinions, thoughts, and insights. Independent Fundamental Baptist churches believe that the authority to baptize was given to the first church, organized by our Savior. Landmarkism began as a movement in the mid-1800's mainly in the Southern Baptist Convention. The Bible is filled with rules that have everything to do with salvation. Please read the commenting rules before commenting. I guarantee you that most independent fundamentalist Baptists in this country are furious at the Star-Telegram today. They sent their kids to Bob Jones and Pensacola the only choices permitted to them. It upheld what it believed to be. This group is for fellowship, sharing of resources, devotional thoughts, posting of sermons, news of interest, ministry ideas, missionary/church links, KJV verse photos, and general edification. And what can possibly be more worthy of a person's love than God and family? But we need YOUR help to make this project successful! Think, learn, and dont be a judgmental asshole. The name Independent Fundamental Baptist Church is used traditionally by churches which pattern themselves strictly after the example of the early church, as found in the New Testament. One of the hardest life lessons I ever had to learn is that in the main, people prefer to be deceived. Why? Hed twice been a victim of attempted sexual misconduct in the church world. UGH!!!! They pretended to be something they weren't. But, I have a few, from the legendary Dr Bob of Longview: Thou shalt watch football on Monday night. Dreherlives in Baton Rouge, La. The SBC has hit the default button and returned to 1959. The New IFB is an attempt to revive the former glory and orthodoxy of the Independent Fundamental Baptists, a movement that arose in the mid-20 th century in reaction to fears that mainstream. Golden State Baptist College - Is a ministry of North Valley Baptist Church of Santa Clara, California. 6.) The Independent Baptist Fellowship is the end-product of the legacy journey that started some 60 years ago. It wasnt long before I traveled the road to liberal Christian to agnostic atheist. I hope you have figured out by now that you have really stepped in the proverbial shit pile. Firstly, I agree with Dr. John R. Rice (1895-1980) that there's no such thing as "The Baptist Church." The Body of Christ is composed of believers from Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist and numerous other Christian denominations. Biblical authority: the Bible is God's inspired Word and the final authority for what a person believes and practices. They repented and were restored..every like 6 mo. If you're unfamiliar with the beliefs and practices of the Independent Fundamental Baptists, some of them are: IFBs also generally believe that the will of a child must be broken before it ever has a chance to develop: a fussing or crying baby is exerting its selfish will. The American Ideas Institute is a nonprofit, non-partisan 501(c)(3) organization based in Washington, D.C. 2022 The American Conservative, a publication of The American Ideas Institute. You are to rule over him as a benevolent sovereign. But I find it believable (which is not to say that I believe it, if you appreciate the distinction). The one thing I do want to say for anyone just making their way out of the darkness of Independent Fundamental Baptists is this: that you once so thoroughly bought into IFB is a sign of your strength, not your weakness. Get tough. You brought all of yourself. If you spend any time covering sexual abuse story, any belief that congregations are never complicit in abuse and cover-up goes evaporates quickly. That was weak (cupping ear)..congregation: AMEN (at top of lungs). I didnt understand the extremes of it and was so glad for makeup, but why yell about it from the pulpit?! Not sure if they are trinitarian. Thou shalt leave for camp on Monday morning and return on Saturday afternoon, as thou must be able to give a long, tearful testimony at the church service on Sunday morning (exhaustion is of the devil). This will of course be true with any large group of people. Im saved now, right? Become a member and enjoy the very best from The American Conservative in print & digital. Ug, stupid auto correct. al. They controlled the process except for the final approval. There are a lot more where these came from, lmao . BTW, I went to Carolina Baptist College, Reidsville, NC, (Reidsville Baptist Church, Pastor Jerry Carter,) 1998-2002. A 2016 report on the university's handling of sexual assault found a "fundamental failure by Baylor to implement Title IX." The report noted "that Baylor's efforts to implement Title IX were. Support this podcast: Truth Unbound with Walter Swaim 11h ago Fundies forget that God can do a sudden I have changed my mind crazy Ivan on them at any moment. Thou shalt hide this alcohol so the pastor doesnt see it when he visits you because you missed Sunday school due to a hangover. I sometimes post on another board and (hopefully its ok) I would like to link a thread that is going on over there. More than 200 people current or former church members, across generations shared their stories of rape, assault, humiliation and fear in churches where male leadership cannot be questioned. Bruce Gerencser, 65, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 44 years. Will you join us? Homosexuals are evil perverts who despise God and should be kept away from society generally and children especially. Exempt this special report from your paywall. More importantly, its disrespectful to the victims who bravely came forward to share their stories with reporters from the Fort Worth paper. This is why I love Jesus. Then, say people who were in attendance, he proceeded to praise Giovanelli. We may read these stories of sexual abuse in churches, and tell ourselves that if something like that happened in our church, we would stand up for what is right. And when you cant question your leaders, weve seen it in politics, you know what happens. People who think that sexual abuse and its systematic cover-up is something that happens only in Roman Catholic Churches ought to read this devastating series in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, about how the same thing has been happening in a national network of independent fundamental Baptist churches. May 27, 2011 -- Ernest Willis, a New Hampshire man accused of raping and fathering a child with a 15-year-old girl . The Black Baptist preachers affiliated with the SBC aren't proclaiming a Black Jesus, railing against white racism, or demanding reparations from white Baptists. For one, they lack a unified presence since individual churches largely operate on their own. Other Christians who were once, or who would once have been, clearly a part of the fundamentalist camp Al Mohler, Ken Ham, David Barton, etc. Thou shalt not molest children, and if ye do thou shalt confess it to the pastor so he can hide it from the police and threaten the congregation into silence. In that case, thou shalt work on your bus route until 3 am Monday morning, then get your sorry, lazy ass ready for your theology classes at our bible college that morning. The church shall pray for her to get right with her lord (and her pastor). If he continues to show defiance by jerking around and defending himself, or by expressing anger, then she will wait a moment and again lecture him and again spank him. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. Thou shalt go to KFC on Sundays after services. 3. Ben Bogard (1868-1951) was its chief defender during his lifetime. Im sure that if your God is all about love and grace he will know our hearts better than you and will fully understand in his 3-omni way. you're wrong!" We were you at one time. Thou shalt not have more than one hole in each ear shall be amended as follows: WOMEN ONLY shall be permitted no more than one piercing in the earlobe of each ear.