(Outer God) It is hard to describe the events I saw take place amidst the trees on Chicken Hill, and even now, years later, I bear the scars. Such concerns give rise to suspicions to the work of the Cthulhu Cult, who may have played some role in possibly freeing Zoth-Ommog as among the first steps in their goal to raise Rlyeh and their lord Cthulhu. Some regard Utulls-Hrher as an avatar of Shub-Niggurath (or, otherwise a unique being spawned by that Outer God), while a few speak of it being a twin to Glaaki. Regenerates 1D6 hit points for each magic point spent healing itself (death at zero hit points). Ultimately, for most, this can be described as powerpower over others, power over life, and power over death. The pre-historical record (such as it is) has accounts concerning the worship of bird-like deities, and most scholars agree that temples to Groth-Golka existed in ancient BalSagoth, Atlantis, and Hyperborea. While little is known of the sick rites practiced by this deitys adherents, most guess that ritual murder and torture are key components. Each manifestation is characterized by its geographical location, with sandstorms in the desert, blizzards in the Arctic, and so on. After 8 rounds, Cthughas brightness is equivalent to a small sun, and those without eye protection who take no action to avoid looking are automatically blinded. User summary: PDF edition includes four files: Malleus_Monstrorum_Volume_I_-_Monsters_of_the_Mythos_v1.21.pdf (product code 23168, ISBN-13 978-1-56882-315-7, 218 pp . The hit points of victims are absorbed into the Green Mans STR, CON, and SIZ equally (rounding down); for example, a victim drained of 10 hit points would increase the Green Mans STR, CON, and SIZ by 3 points each (the tenth hit point is lost). Contact with demented human worshippers is far more probable, especially for those whose job it is to seek out the darkness in society and whose remit might extend to the apprehension of (or dialogue with) serial murderers and their ilk. Otherwise, cults honoring this Old One seem rare, and, where they do appear, are small affairs. Play with the newest version! In the main, such messages filter out into the world randomly and unpredictably, although Ghatanothoa may direct its communications to know servants who have offered themselves up to the god. Despite their small size, the idols managed to convey a sense of scale, demonstrating that these gods should be considered to be huge in stature. Such foresight may be clear and unambiguous or obscure and contained within riddles, but it is always accurate and horrific. It stands 8 feet (2.4 m) tall, and the air around it crackles with power. It may change its shape: stretching out into a flat writhing carpet, contracting into a pulsing ball, or growing into a wriggling column. malleus monstrorum 7th edition pdf. In creatures, such as insects and animals, the compulsion is different and drives them to come together in pairs and consume one another. bullets). Stomp (mnvr): those within 100 yards/meters of Cthulhu must succeed with a Dodge roll or be squashed flat (20D6 damage). Such feelings may be particularly amplified when experienced in isolation amidst ancient forests. The entity may use the fire vampires as a means to communicate with humans (burning text or images into wood, spelling out fiery words in the air, and so on). Otherwise, a chance sighting on the sea may warrant exploration. What does it feed on (magic points, POW, other characteristics, flesh, blood, etc.)? May 30, 2015 Last Ringo's RPG Trove - 30 different folders 1PG Games, Abandon All Hope, Atlantean Trilogy, Cartoon Action. Others may support the casting by investing 1 magic point per person (costing 1 Sanity point each), although should another person know the full spell (i.e. The sea shall swallow them and spit them up and the leopard shall eat of the flesh in Rudraprayag in the Spring. Most scholars interpret this passage to mean that this avatars purpose is to wait until a specific time (when the stars are right?) Use the entries in this book to find a close match statistically to what you have in mind, and then either just copy across the same numbers or adjust them up or down a little as desired. A CON roll must be made each round that the image is seen; if failed, 3D10 points of DEX are lost as muscles stiffen and creeping paralysis begins. Travel: the manifestation of Yog-Sothoth may allow witnesses to travel to other places in this universe and others, as well as to traverse time. A terrible orb of pain and suffering, glowing red to orange to black. CON 350 SIZ 230 DEX 90 Hit Points: 58 Damage Bonus (DB): +5D6 Build: 6 Move: 8 / 20 swimming Combat Attacks per round: 4 (rend, tear, entwine, grasp) Attacks with up to four of its tendrils per round, using its pincers to rend and tear or its limbs to entwine and crush. Direct encounters with Yog-Sothoth are, thankfully, rare, yet such occasions are often disastrous for those involved and, unfortunately, for those in proximity also. Given that mention of this deity appears less than others, one may surmise that either it was indeed trapped somehow for many years or that it takes little interest in the affairs of the planet and its inhabitants, and only makes its presence known to a few on rare occasions. It reforms 1D100+200 days later. Such creatures become adept at stealth and hunting. Given the entitys ability to be misinterpreted by human perception, its worship has often been disguised through prayers and devotions to simplistic earthly gods, with true meanings hidden beneath layers of obfuscation, allowing cults to operate openly while keeping their motivations and purpose obscured. For many scholars, Kassogtha is like a cosmic sickness that seeps into life, corrupting and mutating it in foul ways. Little protects against the piercing scream (industrial-strength ear defenders may afford some protection, as may some spells), which forces a Hard CON roll to those within 100 yards/ meters (reduced to Regular difficulty for those beyond this range). Presumably, this entity remains somehow chained or tethered to the deep oceans, occasionally rising upward to cause the mysterious disappearances of ships and their crew. Arm lost; 1D6+2 damage; CON roll to remain conscious; penalty die to appropriate actions and DEX. Encounters Should humanity harm deep one communities or in some way threated the death-sleep of Great Cthulhu, the threat of Leviathans appearance becomes real. If reduced to zero hit points, Nyarlathoteps human form collapses and then begins to bubble and change form into a monstrous avatar form (usually the Bloody Tongue). It could just as easily appear as a disembodied voice, a talking statue or painting, in dream, or some such other strange event. Those fully drained of POW die, their bodies becoming withered husks. Armor 20-point scales cover back and sides; 2-point rough skin underside (targeted attacks to underside suffer one penalty die). The shape was vague and evermoving, caused by appendages or growths that seemed to constantly grow and be reabsorbed. Apparently, the Brotherhood (and perhaps the Daughters) followed a single leader, with each group acting independently yet bound together by their worship. Soon, human notions of civility are lost to a more animalistic way of life, with alpha personalities leading packs of bestial humans, much like a community of wolves. If true, one might suppose that these entities played a role in the casting down of the Great Old Ones in pre-history, and perhaps even now act as watchers or prison wards to ensure the Old Ones bindings remain fixed and secure. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: EIHORT STR 200 CON 400 SIZ 250 Pain: costing 8 magic points, can inflict 1D6 damage to a target, causing psychic waves of pain to wrack their body. Immune to fire, electricity, and chemicals. Consume Life Force: Sebek may drain 1D10 magic points from a human within 20 yards/meters. The shadow from is only invisible in total darkness and is a physical thing (able to be harmed should it be detected). Hydras body, on the other hand, was represented as a long and twisting fishlike thing, more like some gigantic eel. Presents a cruel and majestic persona, haughty and full-voiced. Among the voormis still living are many who tend to Tsathoggua; their ministrations including supplying their god with sacrificial food and so forth. Forms of attack generated by spells or other Mythos powers (e.g. Once at zero Sanity, the victim is liable to disappear down into the earth to join and run with a ghoul pack. And, if Zathogs heritage and connection to UbboSathla is true, we may assume that it too is able to form and cast out a myriad of strange lifeforms, with some growing to large size and wandering off, while others are reabsorbed. This link appears more tenuous, however. At best, we can strive to understand through the historical record where this entitys appearances appear to intersect. If reduced to zero hit points, in human form, the monstrous form bursts forth (at full hit points) and proceeds to attack anything nearby, fighting for a few rounds before dissolving into the ground. A short-O is written O; a broad-O is written AU; a long-O is written OE. Yet, for some fear is more productive, and so monstrous forms like Yhath are used. This power costs the avatar 10 magic points and extends to a range of 500 yards/meters (with the avatar at its center), and may be increased by another 500 yards/ meters by spending another 10 magic points. If the task is self-harming or would harm a person close to the enthralled mind, the victim may attempt a Hard POW roll to resist that action, although they remain under the deitys control. Usually, such connections happen over a distinct period when Cthulhus dream state is brought close to consciousness (which often corresponds to the movement of Rlyeh, where the sunken landmass temporarily rises above the sea). The entitys presence, while incorporeal, may be felt as tremors in the air. Much like the Lady of the Woods, the Great God Pan is a conduit for reckless desire, yet a far less subtle one. Aura Those feeling the touch of Nctosa and Nctolhu are likely to experience a profound sense of cosmic wonder and horror: of things beyond reckoning that hold no logic or reason, and which amplifies the insignificance of humanity at a universal scale. This splinter developing over many years into a sentient lifeform, linked yet separate to the Dark Mother, which may explain its residence on this planet. 144 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Possession: able to possess zealous believers during rituals (most willing accept this, but humans attempting to resist may do so with an Extreme POW roll). From the mouths dribbled yet more black ooze, and, in my mind, I could hear crazed words and chilling song coming from the mouths. For some, the entity is not an Elder God but rather a being that draws sustenance from humanitys dreams and is an amalgamation of thought: a multifarious organism brought to life by the unconscious willpower of millions of sleeping humans over many centuries. Once merged, the Old One can force its host to supply genetic material in the creation of a new being, which is violently birthed (ripping through the skin or outer carapace) sometime later. Perhaps it would tread on them, as we might tread on an ant. Otherwise, contact will require the use of certain rituals and spells to bring out this ghostly watcher. Of scaled flesh, ophidian eyes and face, on a coiled tail or on two legs does Yig walk upon a bed of snakes. Their new Malleus Monstorum (2020) is now two volumes, one for Monsters and one for Deities, totaling about 450 pages. Then give it Send Dreams. In time, the Old One left Mu and took up residence in the city of Yhe (later the Abyss of Yhe), which was possibly linked in some manner to Rlyeh. For example, in Ancient Greece, certain manifestations of Shub-Niggurath became associated with the fertility goddess, Cybele, who in turn assumed portions or aspects of the Earth-goddess, Gaia. >> Anonymous Wed Oct 28 20:50:43 2020 No. These often finely wrought items may be produced as gifts to the Old Ones chosen servants and may be weapons 113 CHAPTER 2 m a l - I - Cult Seemingly sessile, Idh-yaas worship seems primarily centered on the native Xothans, although numerous cultures on alien planets revere this deitys absolute destructive and creational power. If reduced to zero hit points, Hziulquoigmnzhah implodes, its bulk rapidly condenses into a solid ball of alien metal. Temporal Ripping: at the cost of variable magic points, the power twists and rips flesh, inflicting variable damage. The Brotherhood also venerate another of Nyarlathoteps masks, that of The Beast (also known as the Faceless God), which takes a form like that of Egypts Sphinx, an immense creature that has a hollow void filled with stars instead of a face. Each is unique, bringing its own advantages and disadvantages. Only the criminally insane or those who would seek the destruction of the planet (perhaps the same thing) would knowingly attempt to turn Azathoths dreaming mind toward Earth. the bodies of those present, with some seemingly becoming frozen yet able to speak. It is for the Keeper to determine what the looped cross actually is and where it may be found. While many texts consider Sebek to be a Lesser Old One it is understood by some that this entity may be related to or is mutation of the lloigor race. Hit Points: 52 Damage Bonus (DB): +6D6 Build: 7 Move: 6 Magic POW: 125 Magic Points: 25 Spells: Contact Yibb-Tstll, plus any others the Keeper desires, although does not possess any Gate or related spells. Enchanted weapons may inflict damage but cannot impale. As to how Atlach-Nacha may appear to other races or in other dimensions is uncertain. Fighting 50% (25/10), damage 4D6 burn Armor None. If reduced to zero hit points, or dispelled, Trunembras music ceases, leaving only a deathly quiet. Cult Organized human cults dedicated to Tulzscha are rare, with a few groups working secretly to perform ceremonies and summons in the hope of gaining blessings and knowledge. An unusual deity that causes consternation and argument among scholars. A tentacle may be severed if suffering 6+ damage (note 10-point armor). Troublingly, with the advent of new technologies, the ability to record and transmit the music of Trunembra grows more likely, although whether any technology could successfully capture the full range of such sounds remains doubtful. Fighting 90% (45/18), damage 2D6 + Touch of Wisdom The Black 80% (40/16), see The Black; target may only Dodge Armor 12-points comprising an 8-point cloak wrapped around its body and 4-point tough skin (if cloak is thrown open, use 4-point skin alone). Touch: living cells physically touched by the Old Ones appendages are transformed into solid mineral formations if an Extreme POW roll is failed. This two-volume collection is packed with ideas, concepts, and insights to immerse your scenarios and campaigns deep in the heart of the Cthulhu Mythos. Grab (mnvr): grabbed by a tentacle, the target suffers 7D6 crushing damage per round thereafter. Call Nightgaunts: when living, able to summon 1D10+2 nightgaunts to its command. Indeed, do these beings still live and exist? This game is great, message me on discord gutterpunch#6206 and lets chat about it. 205 CHAPTER 2 m a l TULZSCHA Aura Approaching this Old One, the smell of death would be strong. 199 CHAPTER 2 m a l Cult Shudde Mell and the chthonians appear to receive little by the way of organized worship in modern times. Of course, such schemes are incredibly dangerous, and often playing with such fire means getting burned yourself. "Without doubt, the definitive Call of Cthulhu monster guide a full-color feast for the eyes and the absolutely essential compendium of Lovecraftian deities and denizens.". TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: XADA-HGLA STR 600 CON 1,150 SIZ 600 Encounters Earthly encounters with Xada-Hgla are likely to come via seeing effigies, shrines, or artifacts depicting or praising the deity, with these being primarily manufactured by aliens (the shan or mi-go). Those possessed take on a glazed, stupefied look, but soon become animated. Amidst the lower torso were clumps of teats surrounded by small fish-like fins. Witnessing this attack costs onlookers 1/1D10 Sanity points. Despite sleeping, Azathoths dreaming mind acts to influence and infect the universe. 75% (37/15), damage 4D6 Urafty Sanity Loss: 1/1D10 Sanity points. Sanity Loss: 0/1D6 if receiving communications from Qyth-az; 1D6/2D10 if in the presence of the Old One. The Bloody Tongue may howl once per round. Should they undergo successful Psychoanalysis, Cythulos hold on Those seeking to explore death and the doorways beyond life might cause the appearance of Cythulos, or at least draw the unsuspecting into some form of contact with a cult dedicated to the deity. Majestic, he glides over the ground to take his throne in Lost Carcosa, for he is the King that was and shall be. Perhaps, the entitys ultimate plan is to consume all life on this world until all life is Yidhra. Tulzschas flames are cold, causing the temperature to drop and breath to fog. Despite the loss of the JonesMortimer Expedition, their surviving account notes a series of paintings within the ruins depicting a monstrous dragonbird god as well as numerous clay effigies of the same. Therefore, Nodens might be described as a cosmic being, manipulating humanity to enact its will through coercion masked in the trappings of human mythology. Fthaggua is believed to be the high priest or leader of all fire vampires, first among them and a channel for Cthugha. Most scholars agree that should this Old One wish to move to another location, time, or place quickly, it could do so through its innate powers, but, for some reason, it seemingly only does so when summoned by external forces, such as foolish wizards or humans seeking its approbation. A short-U is written U or UH; a long-U is written OO. Another confusing element concerns the nightgaunts, which are said to cluster around Yibb-Tstll, feeding on the black milk it produces. A small number of scholars believe that Tindalos and its inhabitants originate outside the collective understanding Grab (mnvr): encircling tentacles hold the target firm and, on the following round, begin to effectively pull, twist, and turn the victim inside out (a process taking 2 rounds and causing 2D6 damage per round). Whereupon the light shall broaden and be cone-like and shall remain grounded. Deep and dark tunnels may be worn by the passage of time, yet feel claustrophobic, with the weight of the world pressing down on those who navigate through them. I was hoping that since it was so "Definitive" that it would have images of every monster. It is not beyond the bounds of belief to suppose that such an endeavor shall be enacted by human pawns, deluded and enthralled by the whispered promises of the Crawling Chaos. Should just a splinter of the entity be summoned to Earth great disaster is likely to follow, as this could be enough to devastate one or more cities. In regard to such concerns, mediums, spiritualists, and those of a New Age persuasion may pose particularly ripe subjects for Qyth-azs attentions. In addition, victims suffer 1 damage per round until dead; there is little help to recover from such a condition, as a persons skin is essential for maintaining body temperature, and death by shock and/or blood loss is inevitable. Of the major avatars noted, the three most well-documented forms are: Armor None. Call of Cthulhu: Malleus Monstrorum - Cthulhu Mythos Bestiary - 58.29 - and many other great books are available for the lowest prices at Zatu Games UK! Regenerates at the rate of 20 hit points per round (death at zero hit points). The victim may attempt to break free with an Extreme STR or Hard DEX roll. Combat Attacks per round: 1D6 (lash, bash) or 1 (envelope) Attacks with serpentine limbs to lash and bash. Those seized have one chance to escape by breaking or wriggling free with an Extreme STR or a Hard DEX roll. While those within sight (or within 50 yards/meters) of the Old Ones should attempt a Hard POW roll or feel the need to throw themselves into the squirming morass to be eaten or torn apart. Meddling with Elder wards invariably draws attention, often with messy results. Despite efforts, no consistent details regarding this alleged incident have been forthcoming, and it remains uncertain as to the veracity of the episode. Regenerates 5 hit points per magic point (death at zero hit points). Those within the fog may hear and see horrifying things (such as bone-chilling howls and moans, monstrous faces, and so on)each person experiences different things; some may see or hear friends or loved ones who have died, while others see monstrous forms or inhuman faces. Sometimes, it has the curled horns of a ram, sometimes the horns of a bull, and at other times the majestic branching rack of a stag. As the Keeper, you should feel empowered to make your own decisions about what fits your story: which Mythos gods you wish to use, how they relate to one another (if at all), and how they play a role in your games. At the Keepers discretion, it may hijack such summonings, cutting in and appearing in place of the intended being. Such people have probably already indulged in activities or taken an interest in what might be considered depraved activities, with Ygolonacs influence essentially driving them deeper into moral turpitude at the expense of their humanity. Crush: targets any group within 5 yards/meters, all of whom may attempt a Dodge roll to avoid being crushed for 6D6 damage. Close proximity to Xada-Hgla makes the skin itch and causes adrenaline to flow, due to ones body sensing danger and gearing into flight or fight mode. Seeing an active Yellow Sign provokes a Sanity roll (0/1D6 Sanity points lost). Arm lost; 1D6+2 damage; CON roll to remain conscious; penalty die to appropriate actions and DEX. The German edition of the book gave it its new name, and more importantly, its striking visual style. Note: the Elder Gods were not a Lovecraftian convention; later writers (such as August Derleth) coined the term and some consider these beings to be a poorly judged addition to the Mythos, as they are sometimes portrayed aligned with the concepts of good and evilterms that have little or no meaning when considering the actions, purpose, and ideologies of cosmic alien gods. Such encounters appear random, although rumors exist of a certain calling ritual that may summon this avatar to open a way to other places in return for payment. Please see Chaosium's press release below. Humans within the area should attempt a Luck roll: if failed, they have been incinerated. Specific attack forms and maneuvers are detailed, including the skill rolls or actions required to escape with life and limb. The smell of acrid smoke, the air full of ashes, and an overpowering heat are the tokens of its passing. What is clearly apparent, is the desire of all beings from Tindalos to consume the life energies of creatures (humans included) from our reality. Daoloth is acknowledged and/or worshiped by the migo, and there are suggestions that the Great Race of Yith demonstrated some regard for the entity. If you add Bloating: possibly a side effect rather than a directly granted power, many of this Old Ones worshippers seem to bloat, accumulating body mass and becoming severely to super obese (i.e. Commonly, she appears as a woman of ageless and sinister beauty, with smooth alabaster skin, billowing jet-black hair, and eyes like gleaming coal. This lets us give you the PDF when you get the printed copy. CON 50 SIZ 05 DEX 70 POW 70 Hit Points: 5 Damage Bonus (DB): 2 Build: 2 Magic Points: 14 Move: 8 Powers Control Human: once in physical contact with a human, it may attempt control with an opposed POW roll. Certain humans who knowingly carry the taint of the Mythos (the tcho-tcho) seem to favor the Unspeakable One above all others and have been known to employ and treat with the creatures called byakhees, which are considered to be fully aligned with the deity. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: BAOHT ZUQQA-MOGG STR 175 CON 380 SIZ 200 DEX 80 Hit Points: 58 Damage Bonus (DB): +4D6 Build: 5 Move: 8 / 6 burrowing / 16 flying Combat Attacks per round: 2 (claws, mandibles) or 1 (tail sting) May attack with its two claws and mandibles or sting with its tail. This is a lovely product. 135 CHAPTER 2 m a l these beings are aberrant cast-offs from Cthulhu, sentient to a degree, but do not possess the full characteristics of the Old Ones. Through this, cult members are healed of illness, wounds, and other afflictions, even to the reknitting of bones and other benefits. While the chthonians tunnel and make nests with the planets molten magma, sometimes venturing near to or at ground level, Shudde Mell is believed to remain ensconced at the Earths core and rarely deigns to ascend toward the outer crust. While diminished, such cultists may harbor the desire to find and excavate Gharne to obtain its buried treasures or could seek to build a new version of this city elsewhere. Regenerates 1D6 damage per round (death at zero hit points). Using dreams and/or magic to commune with the entity in the hope of receiving cosmic wisdom. Get the rulebook here. UPDATE 07/18/21: About to start moving and starting a new job so I won't be as responsive until about August 3rd. Immune to cold, fire, chemicals, and electricity. Human cults to Cythulos are rare and tend to be short-lived affairs, due to them being primarily death cults. Music of the Spheres: a never-ending song, cast out into the void, that can awaken dead and slumbering gods or cause such strange life to be born. Veil of Mist: covers a 50-yard/meter radius, with Han always at its center. Call Of Cthulhu: Malleus Monstrorum - Cthulhu Mythos Bestiary (HC) Call of Cthulhu RPG: Investigator Rulebook (HC) . Aura Speed of Sound: able to move at the speed of sound. Play with the newest version! Aura Zu-che-quons arrival is heralded by all light sources being smothered, with darkness falling across the area. If an additional 5 magic points are invested, the restored individual is granted immortality (natural death is negated). Skills Climb 100%, Stealth 80%. The deity may use this power across dimensions by expending 10 magic points and may repeatedly target an individual who has once failed the roll. BMoth, the devourer Sanity Loss: 1/1D8 Sanity points. Consequently, I have spent the eight years since scouring the globe for information relating to this curious cycle of mythology. With over 110 entries concerning Great Old Ones, Outer Gods, Elder Gods, Avatars, and Unique Beings, this tome supplies a plethora of ideas to immerse your campaigns and scenarios deep in the heart of Cthulhu Mythos lore. Seen by many as the manifestation of an Elder entity, Hypnos appears to be bound to dreams of humanity and possess some power or curatorship of Earths Dreamlands. bullets) deal minimum damage. It is not beyond possibility for some cunning wizards, who know of Mguleloc, to prepare traps for the unwary to inadvertently summon this foul feaster. 12 UNKNOWABLE: ABOUT THE GODS OF THE MYTHOS unexpected or puzzling. If nearby, humans may be coerced into performing Abhoths will if they fail an Extreme POW roll; while those far away will only be affected if failing a Regular POW roll and, in this case, the coercion is unclear and those affected just feel a pull or yearning to go somewhere or do something (they will not go against their own interests though). Common to those aware of the equation, is the belief that its solution brings power. Others prefer a subtler approach, acting to undermine the good work of others or those of rival cults, entrap cooperation through blackmail and scams, and generally sow the seeds of failure to hasten the end of things. Pick spells that you feel are cool and exemplify the deity. When rumors of disappearances began to plague the community, eyes turned to the Starry Wisdom members and their strange religion. Grab (mnvr): those grasped are pulled toward its body and into its shell to be dissolved in the sticky and burning flesh within (2D10 damager per round).