As a result, stress can cause digestive issues. Researchers are finding differences in the brain structures of people with OCD, along with differences in how their brain functions. The idea that all blood is dangerous because some blood can carry a virus makes resisting compulsions that much harder. They may . It includes an obsession with these abstractions and the anxiety that comes along with them. The symptoms of OCD, as defined by the DSM-5, are obsessions and compulsions. It is common for people with OCD to experience guilt. American Psychiatric Association. Some people have intrusive thoughts and fears about harming others or being harmed themselves. Many years ago cancer was one of the more commonly feared illnesses, but in the last two decades or so this seems to have been replaced by AIDS. This particular piece focuses on fears around semen contamination & how to tackle that fear from evidence-based treatment . I should know I've lived it. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective treatment for many people dealing with OCD. Antibacterial soaps, peroxide, and disinfectants, such as Lysol, can be used to excess by some, causing further skin damage. Contamination Someone may fear coming into contact with bodily fluids, such as urine or feces; germs or diseases, such as HIV; or environmental contaminants, such as asbestos, radiation, or household chemicals. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. We include products we think are useful for our readers. People may even fear that theyre contaminating others. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. The prevalence of obsessivecompulsive disorder in patients with irritable bowel syndrome: A cross-sectional study. Some people fear that these substances may cause harm or even death. Common Contamination OCD compulsions: Avoidance: Avoiding objects, places and people that you fear could threaten your health. Exposure and response prevention (ERP). You cant prevent OCD, though doctors say an early diagnosis and intervention may mean you spend less time dealing with the difficulties this disorder can present. While that is a common and important area of attention for those interested in understanding OCD, the obsession with bodily fluids may warrant more attention. Contamination obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common type of OCD in which obsessions and compulsions revolve around dirtiness and contamination. Take time to decompress and reach out for help if you need it. (2019). 2005-2023 Psych Central a Red Ventures Company. (2016). Mayo Clinic staff. Its not clear why this is the case. Common Obsessions in OCD. Other times people need long-term treatment to keep symptoms in check. Is there a type of OCD that focuses on cleaning? We look at 5 tips that may help. OCD is not so much an amusement as it is a private hell. Anxiety Disorders, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Federal Financial Conflict of Interest Policy, Forms, and Training, Contamination OCD: Blood, Fluids & Bodily WasteOh My! The causes of contamination OCD are the same as the causes of any other type of OCD. They're normal, relatively benign and unharmful and no more dirty than getting some orange juice on your sheets and letting it dry. The main family of medicines used to treat OCD is known as SSRIs (Serotonin Specific Reuptake Inhibitors). For instance, there are some sufferers who fear to touch the floor, the ground, outdoors, or any public objects. St. Martins, New York, NY, 2007. You experience obsessions, compulsions, or both. (2021). These emotions and behaviors evolved over geological ages as a vital survival systemand while it functions differently, this underlying machinery is the same in OCD suffers and non-sufferers alike. It is common for people with OCD to experience guilt. People often call this issue "bathroom OCD." Part 1, Fear of contracting a disease from casual contact with blood, Fear of being irresponsible in terms of allowing self or others to become contaminated by blood, Fear of being overwhelmed with disgust about blood, Excessive avoidance of situations or environments where blood may be present (i.e. The chain of thought typically goes something like this: I must be certain that I did not get any blood on me. Use this brief screening measure to help you determine if you might need to see a mental health professional for diagnosis and treatment of OCD. For people who do benefit from medication, their OCD symptoms can reduce by 40-60%. Your personal temperament can also be a contributing factor for developing OCD. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5) doesnt distinguish between different types of OCD, which is why contamination OCD isnt a diagnosis in itself. To further complicate our contamination picture, there is a variant that veers off into what is known as hyper-responsibility. This is where instead of being fearful of becoming contaminated, sufferers fear spreading contamination to others. And, for what its worth, thats a pretty common diagnosis. The obsessions in contamination OCD revolve around exposure to potentially harmful substances, Rosen said. However, research from 2019 disputes this link. Because OCD is biochemical in origin, medicine can often be of great help as well. Not everybody with contamination OCD will have the same obsessions and compulsions. Jalal B, et al. This article was initially published in the June 2000 edition of the OCD Newsletter. Domnech L, et al. Read our review of the best online therapy options to find the right fit for you. These intrusive thoughts cause the person serious anxiety and distress, which they try to relieve with compulsive behavior, like excessive washing or avoiding crowded spaces. Therapeutic encounters are like small experiments to test patients theories about the dangers of their particular type of contamination. As with other bodily fluids, this gelatinous mess of glandular secretions, sugar, and sperm appears to take on magical properties once it leaves the body, resulting in severe OCD behaviors that can meaningfully impair one's quality of life. By staying with the anxiety, sufferers come to learn the truth of the matterthat nothing really happens when they face their fears, and that their efforts at taking precautions serve no real purpose. Have you considered getting some CBT? The problem with OCD is the cyclical nature of obsessions and compulsions. . I believe it should be regarded as a tool to assist in doing behavioral therapy. You may feel stressed in circumstances where you feel out of control or uncertain. It spirals out of control pretty easily, with each new avoidance sending the message to the brain that death was narrowly escaped, prompting further, more indirect reasons for avoidance. It asks you to sacrifice all the same things. The problem, however, is that compulsions fail to guarantee success. Fear of coming into contact with potentially harmful things like viruses, bacteria and bodily fluids. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a maladaptive reaction to these ordinary but unpleasant experiences of disgust, discomfort, and unease. These dangers were invisible, undetectable, and could remain dormant for months after the initial contamination, making them difficult to avoid through simple cause-and-effect learning. As with other kinds of OCD, contamination OCD is treatable. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a debilitating mental health condition that can impact a person's relationships, work, and happiness. If you suffer from food poisoning, it might have been caused by your most recent meal, or the one before that, or anything you ate in the past forty-eight hours. Their hands often become bright red and chapped with cracked and bleeding skin. Wouldnt you wash your hands just one more time to keep a family member from dying a horrible death and blaming you for it? With OCD, recurring and persistent obsessions result in significant anxiety and distress. Behavioral researchers have long known that stress and trauma are associated with a higher risk of developing OCD. If I am going to avoid unprotected sex, then what about sleeping in a hotel room where someone might have had unprotected sex? Contamination OCD: . What this means is that nobody wants to be the cautionary tale or the first person made famous by getting a terrible disease from casual contact with blood. Contact Us. Just to be sure? There are many examples of obsessions that may affect people with OCD. However, it might be more complex than that. DOI: Impact of the DSM-IV to DSM-5 changes on the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Stress can make the symptoms of OCD worse, so engaging in healthy stress-management activities may help. Fear that someone you love will die from germs. There are many online OCD support groups, whether you want to attend regular video meetings or participate in online chats. DOI: Purty A, et al. It just requires an ability to cope with the associated discomfort. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is another approach to consider if other treatments arent helping you. Some people feel that completing these actions will neutralize a threat, make an obsessive thought stop, or relieve the anxiety that unwanted thoughts create. OCD is well researched. A monozygotic twin difference study. Its easy to see why this was such a powerful and effective system for keeping our prehistoric ancestors healthyand how, today, this system can misfire to trigger visceral and terrifying obsessive thoughts about sickness and death. ), people who appear unwell shabby or unclean, names (of illnesses, disabilities, people who are ill, or disabled, or who have died), excessive and sometimes ritualized hand washing, creating clean areas off-limits to others, avoiding certain places or touching things. Morgan Rondinelli talks about growing up with OCD without knowing she had OCD. Contamination OCD involves a lot more than simply being diligent about cleaning, and the symptoms can differ from person to person. People with OCD will fear infection or disease from certain triggers. The process depletes the immune system, resulting in a gradual deterioration of health, the final stages of which is called Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Turna J, et al. For magical types of contamination the solution is often a magical decontamination ritual designed to remove or cancel out the problem, thought, name, image, or concept. Family and friends are taught to not participate in rituals and to not give reassurance or answers to the same questions.No one is ever forced to do anything, nor is anything sprung on them by surprise. Psych Central does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Contamination OCD often focuses on the bathroom because bathrooms are an area where you can easily be exposed to others bodily fluids. Unlike the popular view, contamination isn't simply limited to dirt, germs, and viruses. Watching someone close to you in distress can cause you distress, too. Basically they enhance the activity of serotonin, the brain chemical implicated in this disorder. It may be a total stranger or a member of their immediate family. During DBS, doctors implant electrodes in targeted areas of your brain. All rights reserved, [ Placeholder content for popup link ] OCD is chronic. There may also be a clean car which can only be driven when clean. The need to precisely perform rituals and compulsive acts can cause serious anxiety. While there are many treatment options for OCD, ERP and SSRIs are the most effective. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission Heres our process. All kinds of OCD, including contamination OCD, are categorized as the same disorder as per the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Theres no way to be sure. So, despite there being nothing inherently dangerous about blood, somewhere in our genetic database is probably an urge to avoid being in its presence. We look at 5 tips that may help. Both treatments together are often more effective than either one alone. Washing may in some cases be strongly ritualized. (2019). This can include disease-causing germs, bodily fluids, chemicals, trash, environmental toxins, dead animals, and even dirt. Others can include religion, harm, or symmetry. Jalal B, et al. This type of help, of course, doesnt really help, as it only locks the sufferer into the illness and increases helplessness. Contamination OCD is one of the most common subtypes of OCD. A study of psychiatric comorbidities in irritable bowel syndrome. OCD can revolve around one or more themes, or major areas of focus. Compulsions are activities or rituals you feel you must do to neutralize the obsession or soothe your distress about it. These feelings result in compulsive and repetitive behaviors that provide some relief. In some cases, family members have been drawn into the sufferers web of compulsions. However, this actually enables their OCD, which makes it worse. Author of Triggered: A Memoir of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (St. Martins Press), named one of Booklists Top 10 Science & Health Books of 2012.. blood semen garbage household chemicals radioactivity broken glass Childhood trauma isn't thought to cause OCD, but it can trigger its onset or worsen symptoms. Old Medication, New Use: Can Prazosin Curb Drinking? People may believe that by cleaning objects or spaces in a specific order or with a particular frequency, they can avoid or recover from contamination or infection. Finding a therapist can be a great first step in learning to manage your symptoms. To establish that the product manufacturers addressed safety and efficacy standards, we: We do the research so you can find trusted products for your health and wellness. We include products we think are useful for our readers. Some people with OCD benefit from using medication, but some do not. Unlike the popular view, contamination isnt simply limited to dirt, germs, and viruses. Knowing what you value will help you build the most meaningful life possible. spending a significant proportion of your day cleaning, washing your hands or showering in excess, worrying excessively about illness, germs, or dirt, experiencing intrusive thoughts about becoming ill or getting dirty, throwing away items that you think are contaminated or dirty, engaging in specific washing rituals (e.g. Try using these methods to help you manage your symptoms day to day. People with OCD take comfort in repetitive, irrational thoughts and urges. This remains the most widely used and accepted form of behavioral treatment for OCD. Also like other bodily fluids, semen is capable of hosting germs, bacteria, and viruses. The compulsion might be to avoid going out in public for too long or to locate a bathroom as soon as you get to a public space. Blood pours out, not in. It's not considered a separate disorder or diagnosis. Obsessive-compulsive disorder: When unwanted thoughts or repetitive behaviors take over. So its important to remember: Thoughts about disgust and contamination are not irrational or unnatural. Moody TD, et al. Anything could make you sick, so everything should be treated as a possible source of contamination. While this can be difficult in the short term, it eventually reduces the strength of the obsessions. One kind of medication that is commonly prescribed for OCD is selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). HIV is the boogeyman of health anxiety. Both are treatable. It is also true that at some point, we draw a line in the sand and we say, enough. Discomfort related to contamination and infection is universal and has deep roots in human evolutionary psychology. And how connecting with the OCD community changed her life forever. Real event OCD is a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder that centers around an event in your life. It might be that anxiety and stress can affect your digestive system because stress prompts your body to enter flight or fight mode, during which your body doesnt prioritize digestion. Its not a thing. A long time ago, it was probably a good idea to get far away from it before it attracted saber-toothed tigers (or vampires). You might use certain washing or cleaning rituals to get rid of those thoughts. I have even worked with several people who poured straight bleach on their hands and bodies, resulting in chemical burns. For example, someone who has a contamination obsession fear of germs or bodily fluids may avoid public restrooms. How do we develop a capacity for uncertainty tolerance when the OCD makes it seem impossible? I have known clients to burn their clothes, spend hours showering, hours checking their body for cuts, abandon groceries in the parking lot of the supermarket, abandon entire locations (including their own home) for fear of blood contamination. In blood obsessions, it typically presents as: Rituals in blood fears can become extreme rather quickly. To establish that the product manufacturers addressed safety and efficacy standards, we: We do the research so you can find trusted products for your health and wellness. or call 410-927-5462. Life is dangerous and funny and interesting and beautiful. For example, your therapist might challenge you to touch a dirty shoe and resist the urge to wash your hand immediately. Therefore, many people with OCD do not (2019). In this first installment, I will be focusing on blood, how fear associated with blood often presents in OCD, and how cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be used to treat it. People affected by checking compulsions describe a feeling of incompleteness unless they perform certain rituals or behaviors. They can disrupt a persons social, academic, or professional life. Here's my. Studies conducted in 2018 and 2019 reached the same conclusion. People with contamination OCD may fear getting diseases, touching bodily fluids, spreading germs, and more. It is what it is. Whats the outlook for people with OCD-related cleaning compulsions? In order to cut down on washing, sufferers sometimes resort to using paper towels, plastic bags, or disposable gloves to touch things. What I mean by this is that I have intrusive thoughts about contaminating other people with bodily fluids such as saliva, blood or even anal secretions. Being a perfectionist about cleaning doesnt necessarily mean you have OCD. There are a few potential causes of OCD. However, contamination OCD can be a bit more complex than that. We discuss the causes, treatment, impact, and more of OCD and depression. Answering that question requires a deeper look into what OCD is and why some people with OCD are compelled to clean. Theyll be best equipped to help you understand and manage your symptoms. So, the urge to do compulsions continues to go up over time while the obsessive fear of blood never abates (and actually worsens over the same period of time). Heres a brief look at the symptom dimensions as currently described in scientific literature: Some people have an extreme fear of becoming contaminated by germs, bodily fluids, or other substances including abstract contaminants like evil or bad luck. The types of contamination that can be spread to others are about the same as those that trouble other sufferers. But that doesnt mean youre crazy. It means that, biologically and psychologically, youre a human being. OK, a reality check is all well and good, but if the OCD is in high gear, reality is no substitute for certainty and certainty doesnt exist. a red mark on a wall), Checking for blood or for cuts in the skin (on self or others), Reassurance seeking online (or elsewhere) regarding blood-borne illnesses and how they are contracted, Reassurance seeking from others that they have not come in contact with blood, Mental rituals, such as mentally retracing what could have touched what or mentally repeating reassuring statements, Scrutinizing the behavior of dentists, doctors or any other professionals who may be exposed to blood (yours or others), There are no documented cases of contracting HIV through environmental contact (i.e., touching infected blood), There are essentially only two ways to get HIV the use of shared hypodermic needles in which blood from one person is literally extracted and put into the bloodstream of another person, and unprotected sex with an infected person in which semen or vaginal secretions are essentially pushed into the bloodstream of another person through tears in the skin of the mouth, vagina, anus, or penis (other ways of contracting it include transmission from pregnant mother to fetus and transfusions of infected blood [which is no longer an issue due to testing standards]). You may have heard that all people with OCD are focused on cleaning and organizing. September 21, 2014. You could also join a support group for the loved ones of people with OCD try the IOCDF OCD in-person support groups list or the IOCDF online or telephone support groups list. Fear of germs, bodily fluids, and dirt: Doctor explains contamination (cleanliness) OCD 6,222 views Sep 7, 2021 Contamination OCD (also called Cleanliness OCD) isn't being a "neat. All rights reserved. Bradford MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 2011. They also concentrate on learning to accept that there will always be a certain amount of risk in life that can never be eliminated, and that life can still be enjoyed and lived freely in spite of this fact. Obsessions are persistent, distressing thoughts or images. This means that there is no cure. They could also include doubt about whether something is really clean. The disorder tends to appear at an earlier age in males. Are you willing to sacrifice being social because you might encounter a triggering person?