To have a successful prairie dog, he or she will need a large cage (at least 2 x 2x4). Their numbers have been greatly reduced over the last few decades. Many grazing animals, including domestic cattle, prefer to graze within prairie dog towns. Prairie dogs are interesting and entertaining pets that can be easily trained. Consider bringing your prarie dog in for wellness exams to discuss diet, housing, and overall husbandry for recommendations on improvement and to ensure your pet is healthy. Even though they are not obligate carnivores, dogs and cats do benefit from a diet that includes some animal products such as meat and bones. Additionally, prairie dogs can get nippy if frustrated or handled incorrectly. Prairie dogs are a popular pet choice for people who are looking for a small, intelligent, and affectionate animal. There are few things you wouldn't do for your furry friends. A team of researchers from Saint Louis Zoo in Missouri discovered that 25 black-tailed prairie dogs respond to attention in the same way that humans do. However, for some animal-lovers, these cute rodents can make for a great pet. Additionally, some localities may require a special permit to keep one as a pet. P-dogs require constant company, and they are extremely social animals. Female prairie dogs are also known to be extremely aggressive, attacking other female burrows and killing their pups. Every spring and summer, thousands of prairie dog pups are vacuumed from their burrows in the United States. The anal glands on these animals produce a strong odor that is caused by their clean skin. In the same way that rodents grow their teeth in the same way that prairie dogs do, they do the same in the same way that prairie dogs do. Dogs are great companions for families as well, helping your children grow and (eventually) learn the . Do the cons greatly outweigh the pros? There are a few Prairie dogs that are difficult to keep in good condition. Prairie dog colonies have the potential to host up to 150 different species of wildlife. We acknowledge that it is quite lengthy to read. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Despite this, importing prairie dogs is still legal in Minnesota, which does not have a wild prairie dog population, and Wisconsin, which does not have a wild prairie dog population. Prairie dogs can also have a hostile kiss, in which one or both of the participants jerk or jump away from the kiss. They use specific sounds to alert humans to specific predators, as well as specific alarms if they have a gun. They require a lot of space to run and play and need a specialized diet that can be difficult to come by. Characteristics, Housing, Diet, and Other Information. A prairie dog is a wild animal that is happy to be a pet as well as a wild animal. There is no such thing as a gender-specific prairie dog pet. On the plus side, they are social creatures that bond well with their owners and are relatively low maintenance. A prairie dog owner can train their pet prairie dog to behave on and off leash, and even teach it to come when called. One of the most popular Taste of the Wild formulas is the Ancient Prairie Canine Recipe. The first and most obvious reason is a personal preference. Prairie dogs require a large amount of room to burrow, as well as a place to rest and escape the heat of the day. Are prairie dogs nocturnal or . Human-caused changes to the grasslands stemming from crop agriculture, livestock grazing, energy development, residential and commercial development, prairie dog shooting, poisoning campaigns and plague (an introduced disease) have caused the five species of prairie dogs to disappear from an estimated 87-99% of their historic (1800s) range, depending on the species. Furs of the black-tail prairie dog are frequently blended with soil. Like with most pets, there are a few ethical things to consider before investing in a prairie dog as a pet. A prairie dog enjoys getting attention from people just as much as he enjoys getting a good kiss and a cuddle from his family. Welcome To Old Time Pottery: Shop With Your Furry Friends! Spaying and neutering both sexes is recommended in order to avoid health problems later in life. A prairie dog is a burrowing rodent native to the western United States. However, if you house your prairie dog outside without a burrow, their systems are ill-equipped to deal with extreme hot or cold temperatures. If you believe your prairie dog is sick, it is not a good idea to eat it. I've been reading what I can find on them but I'd love to hear from you PD owners first hand!! Creating conflict reduction plans and coexisting with other wildlife is a more humane and friendly way to solve conflicts. Even if they are related, a prairie dogs gender does not make him or her the best pet. Prairie dogs are like the canary in the coal minewhat happens to them is happening to other animals on the prairie. Emily has been a proofreader and editor at a variety of online media outlets over the past decade and has reviewed more than 200 articles for The Spruce Pets for factual accuracy. A typical prairie dog cage should be 24 inches wide by 24 inches deep, and it should not contain any wood; it should be made of sturdy wire. They rely on the prickly pear cactus (which you can grow in bulk at home) for much of their water intake. The prairie dog is not dangerous, but it can cause damage to the landscape. Because prairie dogs live underground, finding them can be difficult. Can I Bring My Pet To The Tattoo Shop? Because black-tailed prairie dogs will actually clip plants that are taller than their preferred height, you may want to begin with vinyl barrier fencing or hay bales with tall plants planted behind them. A prairie dog barks out warnings to the other animals in each burrow in order to keep the burrow secure. They graze and dig in bare patches of ground, where they attract insects that feed on a wide variety of birds. If you don't have at least six hours per day to spend with your prairie dog, then plan on having a full colony of prairie dogs or none at all. Prairie dogs clipping and digging activities create more small shrubs and forb plants and less grass sometimes. Are you looking for a unique and playful pet? The black-tailed prairie dog is one of five different species of wild prairie dogs, but it is the one most often seen in the exoticpet trade. Family and Shelter for the New Member Cons of Having a Pet 1. Chimpanzees, tigers, lions, crocodiles, jaguars, leopards, and venomous reptiles are among the animals that are not permitted in Florida, according to MSN. Wisconsin prairie dogs that were received in Minnesota after April 1 are not permitted to enter the state. Do prairie dogs do better in their natural habitats than in a domesticated one? Ultimately, the decision to bring a prairie dog into your home should be made carefully, as these animals require a significant amount of time, space, and commitment from their owners. Cons High turn-over, low wages, inexperience, lack of training, lack of benefits, not enough staff per dog, the owner expects 1 person to care for 40 dogs which isn't safe, the owner likes to let dogs run around everywhere making it difficult to do your job. Pet prairie dogs, with proper training, can learn to walk on a leash and even join in when needed. Because burrows and colonies use the same amount of space as crops, grasslands can be difficult to navigate for livestock, but their benefits include providing food for many animals and creating habitat for up to 150 other species. Additionally, prairie dogs are considered a species of special concern in Washington State, meaning that the state has taken steps to protect and conserve these animals. A prairie dog in the wild typically has three to four years of life left. Both my brother and my sister adopted dogs from a rescue shelter. Black-tail prairie dogs (also known as prairie dogs) are becoming more popular as pets. Provide them with a varied diet consisting primarily of grasses and other plants, and occasionally treat them with fresh water in a water bottle. They are burrowing animals and live in colonies. If you're thinking of having a prairie dog as your next pet, you may want to watch this video first. Some zoos have prairie dog colonies that visitors can explore. Cancer and ringworm are both common causes of morbidity in prairie dogs. Frontiers In Veterinary Science, vol 6, 2019. Dogs are Loyal Companions. Toilets are frequently located in one spot, and litter boxes can be trained to do so. However, they require a lot of space and can be noisy, so apartment dwellers may not be suitable. You can only keep dogs of the same gender together if they breed. However, there are some drawbacks to owning a prairie dog. This is one of ten states that allow the possession of prairie dogs, along with Florida, Kentucky, Nevada, Texas, Washington, West Virginia, and Wyoming. These plants require only a few drops of water per day and a few small amounts of food. There are differences between species, such as the fact that some behaviors (such as grooming each other) are specific to a specific species (such as black-tail prairie dogs), but most behaviors are observed across all. Depending on the season, prairie dogs may eat more underground roots than grasses, but they are known to be foragers and can adapt to changing environments while in search of food. The cost of a prairie dog varies depending on where you purchase it and its age. In Maryland, there has been a law in place since the mid-1980s that prevents the sale of wild animals. Why are prairie dogs cute? How do they act if left alone? So, without further ado, let's . Prairie dogs can also be difficult to potty train, and they have a tendency to dig and chew through furniture. Many people have been attacked by prairie dogs after being taken in by them and mistakenly giving them away as pets. Let us know what you think! leonardiAnimalAddict Published January 20 . They are also relatively long-lived, with a lifespan of up to 15 years. Other health problems, such as obesity, dental disease, and fatty liver disease, can be caused by excessive consumption of dog and cat food, nuts, raisins, animal protein, added carbohydrates, and table scraps. It is generally illegal to own prairie dogs, so owning one may be possible depending on your state, but it may also result in legal problems. More than 95 percent of prairie dogs died as a result of the widespread destruction of prairie dog colonies and the introduction of the exotic disease plague during the twentieth century. Providing a natural environment where a prairie dog can burrow and forage for food at all stages of a prairie dog's life is essential. Prairie dogs may look cute and cuddly, but they can bite if threatened and their sharp teeth can cause scratches and puncture wounds. Prairie dogs are diurnal animals, which means they are active during the day but sleepy at night. The prairie flats of the Midwest are ideal habitats for a miniature prairie dog. Although they are not suitable pets for everyone and may not be the best family pet (especially if they have small children), they can become difficult, nippy, and aggressive if not handled or socialized regularly. They also have a tendency to bite when they feel threatened or scared, which can be a problem if you have small children in the home. My two Dachshund mixes came to me when they were only 45 days old and have grown up to be two well-behaved, beautiful, and very social dogs. Most dog food is tailored to meet the nutritional needs of dogs by life stage: puppy, adult, or senior. Prairie dogs deserve the same level of enclosure that other types of animals do. A prairie dog loves to be handled, which is true. 153-160. The Humane Society of the United States is registered as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. There is no denying that prairie dogs can make for adorably unique pets. A revamped sewer truck is often used to suck the rodents out of their homes; they are then either used as food for endangered wild animals such as eagles and black-footed ferrets (which naturally controlled the population until humans drove the species to near extinction), or are sold to the pet trade. Discuss this article on our official blog It is odor-free and extremely healthy to use them. Because they are chew resistant, stainless steel or wire cages are the best option. Prairie dogs are one of the most controversial and widely misunderstood wildlife species in North America. The town of Fremont met recently to discuss the pros and cons of protecting prairie dogs. Prairie dogs in captivity typically consume pellets, fresh hay, grass, fresh fruits, vegetables, and water as part of their diet. A prairie dog is a significant commitment because they require a lot of care and attention. To provide their social and physical needs, they require a lot of attention and care. Prairie dogs are generally available in the United States between April and July. While prairie dogs are legal to own as pets in most states, there are instances where they can be considered wild animals and therefore are illegal or require a permit. They are also very affectionate animals and enjoy being around people. Prairie dogs have a typical lifespan of 4 to 5 years, but can live up to 8 years in captivity. The sex of a prairie dog does not make it a better pet for either gender, with the exception of the fact that male prairie dogs may have a stronger odor than female prairie dogs, but not to the point where they are unpleasant to the touch. The black-tail prairie dog is one of five species of wild prairie dogs. Pros and cons of owning a prairie dog. You should also offerwhole oats and fresh vegetables, including raw sweet potatoes and raw carrots. It can live in captivity for up to eight years. In captivity, prairie dogs eat a simple vegetarian diet of pellets, fresh hay, grasses, fresh fruits, vegetables, and water. Adrienne Kruzer is a veterinary technician with more than 15 years of experience providing healthcare to domestic and exotic animals. No, it is not legal to own a prairie dog as a pet in Washington State. The systems of these animals are ill-equipped for extreme temperatures if they are kept outside without a burrow. Every spring and summer, thousands of prairie dog pups are vacuumed from their burrows. Prairie dogs are fast fighters with powerful teeth and claws and are known for their quick, sharp claws. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is so committed to opposing Rep. Kevin McCarthy's flailing House speaker bid that he offered to resign from Congress Thursday night if a faction of Democrats were to vote with . Unconditional Love 2.Increased Safety 3. Prairie dogs are a type of rodent native to the grasslands of North America. 3, 2019, pp. They cause a variety of visual problems as a result of their burrowing, but their diet of flowers, crops, buds, and roots can have a severe impact on garden plants, fruits, and vegetables. Prairie dogs, as well as the disadvantages listed above, compete with livestock for grass, though some studies suggest that prairie dogs improve grass, prompting livestock to prefer grass near prairie dogs. Can I legally own a coyote in Florida? Because prairie dogs are social animals, they spend a lot of time in groups in the wild. The animals are uncommonly important not only as food sources, but also as prairie grasslands. When prairie dogs are hungry, they emerge from their tunnels to consume food. The pros include their intelligence, social nature, and cleanliness. They are very active and playful, and make great pets for people who have the time and space to care for them. If youre looking for a unique pet, you may be wondering what states allow for the owning of prairie dogs. Taking up residence close to small rivers, on sloping hills, or on flat grasslands, prairie dog colonies thrive by burrowing into a variety of soils and foraging for plentiful food options. Increased Personal Safety One definite positive to having a pet unfortunately only applies to larger, free roaming pets. The prairie dog kisses to acknowledge others in his family. I really am considering getting one - but hun is kinda hard to convince. In addition to marking territory for males, kissing behavior is a way for them to gain access to the ladies. Owning may be a commitment, but they'll reward you with endless love. Check with your state before getting a prairie dog to be sure you're in compliance with local and state laws.