bear with me for a sec. 1:53:54 But nowadays, its a little bit different. When its for real, and its right here? So Ill wait for the police. From coming to your home or commercial property for a thorough plumbing inspection to making sure that the job is complete, you can be sure that we, at Keagy's Best Price Plumbing, will meet all of your individual requirements in a timely and budget-friendly manner. See, they think theyve got us now. Look at the landscape of the nation. If I know about this, how come the governing class doesnt know about it? Because we thought the other guy would fight for it. hard time on a job. I want to see it on the ticket. Im going to segue for one second we did a show with clay Clark last Friday, we are talking about different things from religious order. 1:09:09 Theyve been attacking her with energy weapons for years. I got the badge and Im here to use it. But this Tomahawk is one of two choices for the Cabal powers, which end we use is fully up to them. I dont care who requires it. All right, we already have our rights given to us. Thats right, Caucasian male aborted, you know, because they want to inject everybody, I guess, with white privilege, but thats what theyre putting into this stuff. Did you not hear me for 45 minutes, so I was arguing with them, they finally decided that the way to get me and keep me from screaming any louder because I was starting to get a little loud and it was starting to you know make the patrons nervous is they brought a wheelchair around one staff members will be around to the back entrance of the hospital, where theres another elevator thats away from everybody because we dont want to affect everybody. Today he hosts a radio show he created on Revolution. And Ive decided not to, not only because when we politically I wouldnt anyway, but also, if I put one on, I wanted to hit the ground with vertigo. monarchies. So everybody stands up says, okay, weve had enough of this bullshit. You mean like the money laundering operation of the Red Cross? If you would like to know more about what were doing with patriot Street Fighter, you can always go to the website, Scott So I cant wear him. Unquote. Kevin McAleese communications officer for the gates funded agricultural products how thats interesting. But they set a date that the 10th of March, people would not have to wear masks anymore. And I can clearly see that I wasnt meant to be in that environment, because I would have never lasted and I wouldnt have any influence that would do anything any good. These frickin criminals. What are the actual written protections that we have to prove that Im right, that they dont have the power to do this? Im not talking about violence. *Weve adopted it as such, its not ours. Then I come to five store executives that are discussing something which Ive never seen before, but somewhere back near the fruit, but the the the beef section. Didnt make sense. Everything is inverted everything including the cross that they were the upside down cross, which is the satanic symbol. Believe it or not, the Postal Service is so awesome that it took that letter to go across town from February 6 that arrived at the White House on March 6, the president of the Office of the Vice President signed for on the ninth thats when the clock started ticking that she has to respond if she doesnt respond within a certain amount of time. And then in 2011, after building the show for four years and having quite an audience, I stepped down and guest hosted for Rick Amato, who was on Kcb cue down here in San Diego County. The one I shop at this time. Not even the very few few people with a positive PCR test and people werent even sick folks. 1:05:22 Because this person started to do some searching on a dark web went down a rabbit hole, found a surgeon in this country that has taken abducted children, amputating the limbs and selling them as live human baby dolls. You can read our entire affiliate disclaimer here. One piece that I want to bring up to you about all of this. I pray that we have a peaceful revolution. multinational corporations Rothschild Rockefeller, controlling central banking families, monarchies around the world are going or theyre being dealt with and theyre going to come down. No, thats thats also very unconstitutional, because in the US Constitution and the state constitution when it talks about the delegation of powers to certain branches, the word vested as used in the Constitution of California, more specifically, it says that the legislative authorities have invested in the state legislature, the legislative power of the state is vested. So anyways, if youve been following this, this show in this movement, this is the show where we ended up launching patriot Street Fighter on YouTube channel. The government centralizing control, usurping it, taking it from the States, unconstitutionally, were going to talk about that in the next hour. Were not gonna check her out. Yet, we still have these people walking around with this fork and face diaper on I just cant understand it, especially in Texas. As somebody who was a criminal running the CDC for 30 years. Unfortunately, both of those poor creatures came back COVID positive. And then when the gentleman who became my mentor called in, I really shifted into more constitutional concepts. These people will just keep lying even though its on the internet. I talked to a an intelligence analyst from NSA, retired 28 years former naval Intel whistleblower, same thing. I dont have a right to be happy. So what what what is your what Where did you go down this road to become an expert on on the Constitution. How do we communicate the right information to ensure that the public has trust in these vaccines that were creating? So obviously, thats not the proper definition. Dont you love that, quote? So yeah, there are times when you have to just because it is and its frustrating. So they turn their tissue, that person I try to tell them before they know it, someone else is watching it, and it keeps happening 40 people every 30 seconds, and eventually, they get overwhelmed and they dont know what to do. And Im thinking of other words, but I want to be nice to the mixed audience out there. My record is I need to get in Guinness as the most strikes and the most YouTube channels that have been taken down. You know, very least my winter doesnt care. 3.22.21 The Tipping Point on Revolution Radio with Scott McKay true conservative minutes 704 2,564 Views 2 0 Share Published on 23 Mar 2021 / In News and Politics I havent had a single word sent to me at window. It must be true. even make this shit up. Wow, youre that vendor. Choose Keagy's Best Price Plumbing for the quality plumbing work you deserve. silver and copper in it. All of you know what the facts are, in terms of the outbreak of this virus and the absolute tyrannical move thats been made on humanity. Were going to talk about this radical, nothing more. You know, social media companies are working around the clock to combat these disinformation campaigns. 1:08:49 1:40:55 I think Scotts got some gas over there. The benefits society, it benefits them always. So we can educate enough people. This is what we offer this end right here. Proudly powered by WordPress I guess so. Were not were not on there. While in high school, Trevor began his broadcasting career in September of 1997. Alan Meyers okay. This is why they call you shape and useless feeders. Read our Pledge HERE. Trevor Griffith was a 1999 graduate of Ridgewood High School and the evening announcer for WTNS AM/FM radio stations. Scott McKay, Host of "The Tipping Point" says, we are currently witnessing the systematic destruction of the, "Old Guard" and Scott talks about Anyways, gates event to a one simulated COVID the COVID epidemic that it would cause 65 million deaths at the 18 month end point 65 million deaths. So anyways, that being said, the Patriot Street Fighter revolution is now on law to you folks now are coming to the tipping point in revolution radio, welcome. Then you want the my latest book is called a promise, a promise of American liberty. He goes. 2.27.23 "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B, Dr Sandra & India Update, State Of Ascension with SG Anon. Scott McKay is the host/creator of "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in Studio B on Monday's @ 8-10pm EST. Yeah, and its funny because Milton Friedman was talking about a lot of this stuff, long before any nail that he had it so right and we just been listening to people like Milton Friedman. Its one of my bullet holes that I just I dont seem to think deeply enough, because I just assumed Well, why talk about this, everybody pretty much knows. 3 million on a planet turned into an adrenochrome factory. Listen to free internet radio, news, sports, music, and podcasts. Also, Bloomberg Johns Hopkins University population center. And so we sent a certified letter through a server in Washington DC on February 26. I said, Well, I cant have a medical reason. Bingo. So I have decided based on the risk assessment in my life, not to wear what, thats what liberty is about. His maiden voyage LIVESTREAM Post-Election video rocketed to 345,000 in 13 days to entering him into YouTube Censoring Stardom. Right? Now some good why one of the proprietor had smallpox. Now, of course, people say, Well, what if the First Amendment what doesnt work? 0. My goal is to get the counter so I can check my stuff out, and then get out of there. You know how many people Im gonna have the opportunity before they dropped it, Im gonna be able to settle with you. Thats what I believe. Now, that all said, I have been in the fight, when it comes to being politically involved since I was in high school. By the way. Shes coming in to get it out. If you have not watched that video from Friday, which I believe was the 18th or the 19th. Their unprincipled stand is gone. Yet many of you never heard of this. And so of course when I went to counter same bullshit, yet another one comes up. Neutralizing the Spike Protein: Shikimic Acid*. So they say you need to wear a mask for our protection. I just kept walking and shop and walking and shopping. So were gonna do whatever the hell we want to do now. A Journey Down The Rabbit Hole. Ninja moves into the next generation where they basically bitch about how terrible America is and and start to a generation after that start to write and burn the country down because America is a bad nation. Now, lets get back to the constitutional part about this. On April 12 2020. Sir, you need to leave a store you have no mascot. That winner on the website, they can donate. scumbags outlet. Because they know the formula is if you just keep lying and lying and lying in line, theyll believe it of course over time. 1:04:02 They have a lot of military agents in colleges around this country, hundreds of 1000s of theyre trained by a Chinese army. Some of the some of us the this. Well, then, then you cant you cant shop on here that and and I said okay, fine. Im saying put your mask on, Im going to give you the same kind of answer. They will not stand there like that. Thats all they are. What all the systems around the world that didnt have freedom? His name is Alan Myers, fed as a site, and hes a forensic accountant. But anyway, Thurgood. These businesses and these business owners that are either paid off by the Cabal, or they cant think for themselves, if we have, if their employees had to deal with just 15 to 20%, probably 10, but 15 or 20% of the people that conducted themselves like a free citizen and a free American, this bullshit would end because it would create so much so much disruption in their business, then it would be create such an an unusual or an uncomfortable work and shopping environment for the employees and the shoppers, the bullshit would end it would just end it would end. And in fact, in vaccines, he recommends a strategy to address the problems to these companies, when quote rumors were actually spreading, that theyre shoddily tested products, quote, are causing deaths. I battle which one I love most as my favorite economist that both of them are fa fa hyack Road to Serfdom. They said, well, Doug, yeah, but then, you know, it affects the healthcare system or doesnt have socialized system, not in an individual, individual individualistic, free market system, it doesnt just in the same way, see their thinking with socialist minds. And we are this irate, tireless minority, we can do it. Well, its. Because if that happens with me, theres no going backwards. And theyre wrong. What are what are some of the books. We should have had four sides of every milk carton ever manufactured for the last 20 years loaded with kids. And he would put COVID in jail here because COVID past March the 10th wasnt allowed to be dangerous. Thank you for cleaning the drains in my kitchen and bathroom. Did the states create the federal government? Ladies and gentlemen, Scott McKay here. This is a second point for the second hour, the tipping point. 1:20:31 He started atWTNS in 1996, becoming the longest-serving News Director at the radio station. So Im going to bring on Douglas v. Gibbs best selling authors wrote seven books on the subject. These avances role played members of the pandemic control council Wargaming government strategies for controlling the pandemic, the narrative and the population. This would have never gotten one inch attraction. hosty tagi Media adviser sums it up. I started laughing. Because if we fork this up, theres nowhere to escape to. They will not go out of bed. 1:51:30 Radio called "The Tipping Point" where he has been branded as the Patriot Street Fighter for the people. And then we have Article One, Section seven of the California State Constitution, which, interestingly enough, echoes the 14th amendment of the US Constitution. The whole point of this is I cant wear a mask. If you want to get more deeper into it, you want to learn government you want to learn history while in constitution how all three of those work together in our system. Its POW like a Katy catspaw which is a piece of fruit in Tanzania, and to go to test they did on a piece of fruit and a goat cinnamon. do. I talked about Judy, Mike ovitz and again, being assaulted by another one of these King shit cops that show up to enforce illegal edicts on the citizens that have been perpetuated by all these political scumbags that are working for the Cabal powers. We have a great, great guest for you tonight. Now they want to centralize it. I saw you. We started to show over a year ago, we have a lot of great hosts on this particular network. The CCP, Chinese Chinese Communist Party are in fact the kazarian banking elites. out there. Click a Banner Below to Get Started, ~Everything on this site should be considered as entertainment ONLY, nothing else!~. So well see that some of those proceeds come over there as well. Now heres the thing, though, for those of you who think that the Americans with Disability Act protects you? The task of identifying every bad actor is a mess. Thats the only optimism I have. Okay, I see where were going with this. I was with a guy from India. Boy. Thats, thats awesome. You think they can be brutal on foreign lands, protecting, quote, unquote, freedom? Bear with me. He says, so I come out on the porch. Who could possibly imagine that big pharma would do any such thing? Theres nothing to lose but if this payment system becomes a world leading payment method your Qs can be worth a lot. Because these people in power, the thieves, the thugs, the criminals, the murderers, the drug runners, the pedophiles, the human traffickers, traffickers, these people are the people that are in power, not just in this country, but in the world. America is different. And as Im walking along, same thing, one looks at me walks over and tells me and I said yeah, I said, Ive already said Im not gonna be putting any this on because Ive got a National Medical. Thats what liberty is about assessing the risk, and then making your own decisions. Either mine never havent been. This new regulations are come in place about how we deal with fake news. In California, for example, California Health and Safety Code sections 101029110 30 110 40 110 80 and gives the countys health emergencies in health emergency certain powers and gives the county health officer have the authority to order quarantines, but none of the authorities listed includes quarantine healthy people. Thats what our system is all about is what American system is all about, from the free market all the way across to your natural rights and your rights. You look familiar with high school geotools. I said a few things. 1:36:05 We, thanks to COVID were able to serve because it was almost impossible, because he federal suits you suppose those are in person, but because of COVID, they let you do it by certified mail. Initiative Q is an attempt by ex-PayPal guys to create a new payment system instead of payment cards that were designed in the 1950s. Shes standing there and saw she was standing there, or I guess she didnt. 1:54:34 You want me just to acquiesce. almost at a time I do not want to miss repeat one more time the website where they can find you and your work. Now the state level, often what happens is they delegate the powers down to lower level parts of government such as the county health department. Its actually patriot Street Fighter seven. Yeah, theyre not only you assembled, but anyway, nonetheless, in 1905, they basically said in a national emergency, you have no rights and you have and you have no liberty, because for the good of the community that must be satisfied. Again, they just come right out and say it ask it Yeah, should we just control these people? Hey, I love seatbelts. which created which? If were not at if were not activated, were not involved. Yeah, theres, 1:34:14 And they just, it wasnt the cool crowd to be in. And how can you possibly have 800,000 Kids disappear every year? You can imagine this microphone This must make a whole lot of noise, lean against his desk. You know, I was in. He worked at the radio station for 45 years, up until his death. Therefore, the actual COVID-19 crisis is a bit of a dud, having imposed a mere 2.5 million deaths attributed to COVID over the past 13 months. And he said, Well, then you have to wear a shield. And weve got 22 Alliance nation militaries around the world that are taking their hell right into the heart of the dragon that operates in their countries. It attracts a different type of person on both sides of the aisle. He cant. 1:42:03 So yeah, because you guys dont want to hear a police record of this confrontation. Im like, okay, I just kept walking, I was gonna go buy one. I know that Liberty rises when bondage is on the doorstep. 1:48:00 We got how many channels of fake news on TV, they would be busy man, they would be really busy if they actually meant this. They show that gates in team did indeed stimulate or simulate health and economic policies. But the participants primarily focused on planning, industry centric fearmongering police state strategies what do we see today police state strategies for manage managing an imaginary global Coronavirus contagion, culminating in mass censorship of social media. Famous says the risk, and theyre scared out online, so theyre gonna wear the mask, even though after about 10 minutes from the breathing in that theyre gonna start shooting outside anyway, that does no good. I think it was two weekends ago, I was in Under Armour. This is the last bastion of freedom on Earth. He does he live in Los Angeles around Encino? They can be prosecuted civilly and criminally under the color of law. Im talking about fighting with your voice and standing up letting these people know that you are done with this bullshit you are done. We know at this end does. And this is something specifically through social media that has spread. From a constitutional standpoint. Its very appropriate here to call them fork and scumbags that works very well. A Wrestling Podcast The Wayne Dupree Podcast Maajid Nawaz The David Pakman Show vivafrei Rand Paul Rob Braxman Tech Rengawr Donald J. Trump Steve Ronin Kimberly Guilfoyle TalismanTate Jason Corey Cane Corso Geometryptamine Jeremy Lynch Boho . They hold no power of law. Well, when I first started doing radio in 2007, on blogtalk, radio was just online, you know, podcasts, you know, radio, it was politics. I remember probably 40 years ago, wasnt really the thing, the cool thing to become a politician or run for office, I mean, look at these guys back in the 70s. So theres a lot of stuff going on out there folks. Alright, fine. Theyre greedy, blood sucking, self interested traders, many of them say, well, its a little harsh. President Tanzania tells the world the day submitted tests performed on a papa. It tells you I go to groups all the time, life liberty, and and then I stop and everybody, always every group I go through pursuit after they know what it says, think about what its saying. These people made trillions, trillions off of you, while theyre helping to murder you. Scott MacKay's weekly commentary on politics in RI & MA. nothing more than a self interested lot of power hungry tyrants. Because once you unleash the American citizen, the American patriot, especially our soldiers on US soil with their home and their family right behind them facing the enemy. I put the mask, I actually put it over my mouth. What do you think the business owner is going to do? You have to be coming unglued by what youre saying? Yeah. So as we do the research to come up with the right vaccines to help prevent the continuation of this, how do we get the right information out there? So George Gao, the prescient director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control worries about how to suppress rumors that the virus is laboratory generated. 150 Studies Proving the Ineffectiveness and Harm of Wearing Masks, read them HERE. Donald is registered to vote . So I turned around face to face with a manager. Thats the problem. Hawks-Nest Studio-B . They invert everything right down to the cross. And I just, you know, we started to have discussion. Mckenzie Mckay Williams's Ohio Voter Registration. Because the very principles of liberty revolve around our monies, our pursuit of happiness, if you dont have the ability to pursue that happiness, to pursue those rights, and to act in a system where you can, for lack of a better word democratically operate, because its your choice. 1:08:56 So I refuse to get the vaccine. He comes in to throw his weight around, wrestles her to the ground injures her. where people are trying to come forward are being dealt with, as they always have been. Standing by while this happens is like paying the cannibals to eat you last, youre gonna get gone anyways. Exactly. Some of us this new regulations are come in place. He worked at the radio station for 45 years, up until his death. Scott McKay on -The Tipping Point- on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B, OVERWATCH Intel. 1:05:20 Theyre massively locked down, folks. On patriot Street Fighter eight on YouTube, you have got to go watch this video. So if you been on the show before, you know at revolution dot radio, you can always support this network. I have a clinical study completed November 20 2020. performed in Wuhan itself. The second book is called the basic constitution that is my class handouts for my classes in a book form with a glossary and an index. He developed technical skills way beyond what anyone expected. These guys are forking liars. But once again, we have the right to be in public without a mask. That happens every day happens in the world just from the flu. Call Us for Professional Plumbing Services! Look, Ive said this on the show a number of times. Therell be no surrender. Those are the people that typically run for elective office. So the health policies and economic policies, we find ourselves in uncharted territory. And after going through the constitution a couple times with me, she says, well, Doug, you really ticked me off. And I was unwilling to bend certainly was gonna break, I was gonna do things on my own terms. And we have a pretty good idea what it will do to us. #VOHRADIO Exclusive With Apostle Michael Petro And Scott McKay At Clay Clark's The ReAwaken America Tour In Dallas, Texas. And thats every. 3.22.21 The Tipping Point on Revolution Radio with Scott McKay The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported. This is like a Comedy Hour fake news. And Im going to tell you this, I said this before, you Chinese students out there and sitting there waiting for your orders, just understand one thing, if you make that move, just know youre never gonna see your family again, you will never make it home. So they decided they want to work well, I have assessed the risk as well. You see how it is there? Where Information Never Sleeps and Truth Breaks the Spell. And they checked her out. And when you cover up an individuals identity, and they become just another part of the collective, theyre easier to hurt as animals. This is Douglas Gibbs gave us a great night tonight on the Constitution itself. Weve talked about 201. I have a friend of mine. the CDC for prevention, various media powerhouses the Chinese government, a former CIA, National Security Agency director, which to me has to be James Clapper. 1:50:47 Thats what they think we were able to steal their election their president. Yeah, well, I can tell you, if it goes the other way, kinetic, believe me. There is no such thing as a former CIA officer, vaccine maker Johnson and Johnson, surprise, surprise the finance and biosecurity industries, and Edelman, the worlds leading corporate PR firm, why do you need a corporate PR firm? That men 1688 led to the 1689 English Declaration of Rights. Okay, I just keep checking out. Enjoy. So but the thing is, thats ultimately what its about because they want to hurt you. Listen, I. gunshots dover nh; how thick is a stack of 100 dollar bills; June 22, 2022. revolution radio with scott mckay. Whats the statute number, there is not because the legislature is have not passed any laws regarding this, so they have no power of law. There will be no white flag coming up is different. Its the way their mind gets wired. And so now how do you arrest somebody for violating something that has no legal number? Save the kids. Oh, no, we dont care about that here. And Ill say little about it for right now. I have no problem. Yeah, you know, its funny, because Ill begin this by telling a real quick story in a woman who convinced me to start teaching classes on the Constitution. But certain places she does because she doesnt want the hassle. Somebody is about to be torched. They eventually say well, maybe maybe they didnt do that. I think it might have been at the end of February they had these negotiations with whoever the head COVID commander is in the disease ranks. So they no Say that again, say that again. Let me just ask you a civics question. 1,000 Different Studies Show Extensive Evidence of COVID-19 Vaccines Adverse Events, read them HERE. With technology, the only technology that made her the only person on the plane with a safe piece of facial apparatus. So which created which? But guess what the final thing is there on the list be active, we got to make sure were very active. Thats the way the California Health code is written. SHOW MOREarrow_drop_down Host (s) Scott MacKay RIPR on Mobile Devices 4 years ago Awards 4 years ago Staff 23 years ago Providence Places Regulations On Electric Scooters 4 years ago TGIF: 21 Things To Know About Rhode Island Politics & Media 4 years ago This is free speech platform that has launched the Patriot streetfighter revolution. That is then cascaded to information advocates represented in the NGO communities, the medical professionals, etc. you assess the risk, you make your decision. People say to me, Doug, gosh, I wish the founding fathers would have given us Have a model to use to just go after these jerks. Theres oftentimes a very distinguished looking crowd, you know, pretty women. I said here, you can have your shield back. in /nfs/c05/h04/mnt/113983/domains/ . And the lawsuit if you want to read the lawsuit, you can go to constitution Association comm we have a PDF of it. Youre nobody you wouldnt get an audience and well talk to you. And he says were not going to call places, thats fine. And I keep on walking. So when you had the radio show, what what was the what was the platform specifically?