(SLPO 2), Review Practice Experience: Overview and Outcomes, Chapter 1: Community and prevention-oriented, population-focused practice: The foundation of specialization in public health nursing, Chapter 2: History of public health and public and community health nursing, Appendix F.3 American nurses association scope and standards of practice, History and evolution of community health nursing, Core competencies of public health nursing. If such behavior is observed, the student or students responsible will be reported for Academic Misconduct, and appropriate disciplinary action will be pursued according to University Policy. Topical outline with readings and assignments Mental Health Nursing Course syllabus 3. In other words, if a student earns a 95% score on the HESI Community exam, they may choose to take the 95% for Exam 2, thus the HESI exam score will be 40% of the final grade. It is the responsibility of the student to abstain from academic misconduct, and in addition, to guard against making it possible for others to commit academic misconduct. communicate expectations and evaluations in a timely manner. (SLPO 2), Analyze data to identify trends showing strengths, weaknesses, and conditions within the community. Violation of Intellectual Property: stealing, altering, or destroying the academic work of other members of the community or the educational resources, materials, or official documents of the college. A late penalty of five percent per day will be assessed when the first late assignment is submitted after the fifth day. Maryland Heights, MO: Elsevier Mosby. Please see the policy on Academic Honestyfor more details. (SLPO 2), Identify community health problems specific to an at-need or at-risk population addressing a Healthy People 2020 goal. The Population Focused Care is a scholarly proposal for change within your community grounded in evidence based practices, Healthy People 2020 goals, and public health nursing competencies. Community health nursing Nursing Path 60.9k views 22 slides PRIMARY HEALTH CARE Abdiwali Abdullahi Abdiwali 1.1k views 8 slides CHN, COPAR & PHC Trek Dumigpi 6.8k views 81 slides Primary health care drjagannath 27.8k views 48 slides PRIMARY HEALTH CARE Rommel Luis III Israel 652 views 34 slides Community Diagnosis Click each link to view each technology's accessibility statement. For additional assistance please contact our Disability Resource Center. Extenuating circumstances* are considered without penalty. The course will focus on assessment of community health needs, use of evidence-based practice and quality improvement standards in promoting health and well-being of the individual, the family and the community. This course focuses on the application of the nursing process to a population or community group. Students unable to take the on-site HESI exam at the scheduled date and time must make arrangements with the faculty member. Students may schedule an appointment during faculty office hours to review any exam for learning purposes except the final exam. The student can expect that there should be very few changes to the syllabus or schedule. Nurs-5329-Nurse Educator Role Strategies and Practicum. Address all components found in the scoring rubric since this will be used to determine your grade. Failed exams or quizzes will not be retaken. (, Apply principles of leadership to formulate interventions and foster interprofessional collaboration in advocating for the health of communities and populations. Financial Aid Satisfactory Progress (SAP):Federal Regulations require North Idaho College to establish Satisfactory Academic Progress standards (SAP) for all financial aid recipients. Evaluate ones role and participation in emergency preparedness and disaster response with an awareness of environmental factors and the risks they pose to self, patients/clients, communities, groups, and populations in a multicultural environment. Navajo nation public health nurses inspire thoughts on health care reform. Subsequent late submissions are assessed a late penalty of five percent per day (e.g., -5 points each day on a 100-point assignment, or -2.5 points each day on a 50-point assignment). 5xqFXlGnCP|{8jV?-pF Course Director: Bonnie Rogers, DrPH, COHN-S, LNCC, FAAN . For a completeexplanation of the North Idaho College Statement on Academic Honesty & Academic Integrity please refer to Policy 5.06 & Procedure 5.06.01:http://www.nic.edu/policy/. Administer nursing care to ill, injured, convalescent, or disabled patients. Evidence-Based Practice:Program Student Learning Outcome Integrate best current evidence with clinical expertise and patient/family preferences and values for delivery of optimal healthcare.Course Student Learning OutcomeUse an evidence-based approach to prevent injury and maintain, restore and promote group, community and population health. Galen College of Nursing Course Syllabus Course Information: Course Name Nursing Practice - Community Health Course Number NSG 3480 Course Section Number 07 D01 Quarter Credit Hours [Theory/Lab/Clinical] 5/0/1 Contact Hours [Theory/Lab/Clinical] 48/0/36 Prerequisites NSG 3250; NSG 3280 Co-requisites n/a Course Location See Student Self Service for information. Course evaluation will occur with various types of activities including: discussions, quizzes, and module activities, journal writing and presentation of service learning activities. Academic Departments Academic Departments. 7 0 obj
Community Health Nursing (Theory) course syllabus- Page 3 of 6 D. Transferable Skills 1. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2000). This course is part one of a series of three courses for community health nursing practicum.The community/public health clinical practicum experience focuses on nursing's role in promoting and protecting the health of populations in accordance with The American Nurses Association Scope and Standards of Public Health . List: U.S. & Nursing Health-Related Organizations Article: Summary of Health Care Reform Act: Module 2 Open Book Quiz: Opens: Jan 21, 12:01 AM Closes: Jan 22, 11:59 PM BSN Nursing Course Syllabi - Ferris State University. Nursing students are expected to follow the National Student Nurses Association Code of Academic and Clinical Conduct, the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics and the NIC Code of Conduct. 5 0 obj
Students experiencing symptoms related to Covid-19 should not attend class and contact the NIC Student Monitoring and Support Team at [emailprotected] for further guidance. 3rd Year - Course Syllabus - Community Health Nursing 2 (Population Groups and Community as Clients) by College of Nursing. The ultimate final exam for material/information gained from this learning experience is how we continue to apply the information learned in the classroom to our lives as we pursue the honorable profession of nursing. Students who did not achieve 77% on above listed exams will not pass the course. Epidemiology. Promote holistic patient-centered care and population health supporting values, culture, right to self-fulfillment, and quality care. ISBN 10: 1455707627ISBN 13: 9781455707621. Click here to buy your textbook online at the FIU Bookstore. REMOVAL FROM CLASSFOR NON-ATTENDANCE: Attendance is based on your participation in this class. THERE ARE NO MAKEUP EXAMS. Washington, DC: APA. This is an online course, meaning that most of the course work will be conducted online. Achieve an overall 77.0% minimum theory testing grade. -Kabarnet. Students should make their requests known at the beginning of the semester and arrangements must be made with the faculty member for missed work. Revisit Chapter 30: Major health issues and chronic disease management of adults across the life span, Chapter 31: Disability health care across the life span, Chapter 41: The nurse in home health, palliative care, and hospice, The governments role in supporting families 2.0, How technology is changing the family tree: A future tense event recap, Chapter 16: Changing health behavior using health education with individuals, families, and groups, Chapter 17: Building a culture of health through community health promotion, Chapter 30: Major health issues and chronic disease management of adults across the life span. Course Number and Title: NUR 330 Population and Community Health. JFIF C U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2007). perform self-evaluation and pursue corrective strategies as needed. In this course the Faculty reserve the right to take immediate action against any/all offender(s) and give that person(s) a 0 (zero) for the exam, project, paper or other assigned course activity. A minimum course grade of "C" is required for credit toward your nursing degree. Students are EXPECTED to read assigned readings, review the PowerPoint presentations for each chapter of the textbook, and to be responsible for content presented. COURSE DESCRIPTION. The mandate will be in place for two weeks and be evaluated for discontinuation. Any problems should be directed to the FIU Online Support Staff, not the professor. This course includes 45 hours of a Practice Experience. Analyze comprehensive and focused assessments (physical, psychosocial, socioeconomic, political, developmental, spiritual, cultural, educational, health care, and environmental) of diverse communities, groups, and populations. Students in this course will examine Graded assignments, papers, announcements, and other messages will be placed in the individual student files here. Instructors will provide accommodations to students only after having received a Letter of Accommodation from Disability Support Services (DSS). St. Louis, Missouri: Saunders Elsevier, 5th Edition, (2009)
Prior authorization from your instructor is required for late submissions. By computer literacy we mean being able to manage and organize computer files efficiently, and learning to use your computer's operating system and software quickly and easily. This is the continuation of the introductory course for the RN to Community Health Nursing (Nursing 410). Campus Location: Georgetown, Dover, Stanton . Students will explore public health and the barriers and faciliators associated with managing chronic disease/illness in a complex and evolving healthcare system. I will be honest in my academic endeavors. (4 days ago) WebSchool of Nursing, College of Health Professions. This course is designed to further develop knowledge of the practicing nurse in the area of community health nursing. during an online examination or quiz period is considered to be academic misconduct. Douglas, K. S. (2012). Chapter 13: Infectious disease prevention and control, Prevention and control of infectious disease, Chapter 11: Genomics in public health nursing, Chapter 24: Public health surveillance and outbreak investigation, Chapter 27: Working with families in the community for healthy outcomes. Message Center File: Each student has a message file in the file cabinets in 200C MHSB in the hallway next to office MHS 280. Global Health. 3 0 obj
Safety:Program Student Learning OutcomeMinimize risk of harm to patients and providers through both system effectiveness and individual performance.Course Student Learning OutcomeIdentify methods to prepare for and manage disasters that relate to communities, groups and populations. To align the SLPO to the course expectations and learning activities, we are also illustrating the connection of the SLPO to the Course Outcome (CO) and Module Outcome (MO) found on the Course Overview page and the Learning and Assessment page. Develop clinical prevention and population-focused interventions, using appropriate technological aids, with attention to effectiveness, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and equity. After the group discussion it was then decided to use the "Community and Public Health Nursing: Evidence for Practice" for the intended course. BSN Nursing Course Syllabi. Clickhereto view the 15 week Term Schedules. Map: Where is Childhood Homelessness Getting Worse? et al (2016) Experience of military spouses of veterans with combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder. Continue to visit the North Idaho CollegeCOVID-19 webpagefor the latest information on official College communications, access to technology, and student support services. The reinvigoration of public health nursing: Methods and innovations. 0
DROP FOR NON-PAYMENT:By registering at North Idaho College, you agree to provide payment by the due dates. Testing will be conducted using an electronic format. It is the responsibility of the student to download the browser from the FIU Online course website and to verify the installation by taking the brief online quiz to test the browser. The 1st year course is broken up into two semesters. Contact: Disability Support Services Website(208) 769-5947. This course contains the technologies listed below. 2017 . We should believe the ultimate goal for learning is not for short-term expression on quizzes and exams, but that learning must find a home in the long-term memory of learners. Nursing students will be exposed to the culturally diverse population, health disparities that exist in the United States and countries around the world, and some of the efforts by individuals, groups, organizations, and countries to deal with disparities. Community health nursing approaches, concepts and roles and responsibilities of nursing personnel. COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING - II Time : Theory - 90 hours Practical - 135 hours Course description: This course is designed for students to practice community health nursing for the individual, family and groups at both urban and rural setting by using concept and principles of health and 2nd Year - Course Syllabus - COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING (CHN) (Individual and Family as Clients) by College of Nursing. Grading: The grading criteria for each course is specifically addressed in the course syllabi. Total credit hours are based on a sixteen-week semester compressed into fourteen weeks. Beitsch, L., Brooks, R.G., Grigg, M. (2006). PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING PROGRAM . ISBN 10: 1433805596ISBN 13: 9781433805592. Students earning a midterm average below 77% should schedule a conference with the faculty member teaching the course in order to identify strategies for success. Learning resources to include: Rector, C. (2018). Student learning program outcomes (SLPOs) represent the expectations we have in the School of Nursing for our graduates. (See ADN Student Handbook Document Dismissal Policy / PN section Labeled Professional Ethics), Refer to the Associate Degree/ Practical Nursing Program Student Handbook Evaluation, Grading and Academic Standards. 1. If the mandate is discontinued, wearing masks will be strongly recommended, regardless of vaccination status. Students will examine healthcare and habits of individuals and groups in various cultures and socioeconomic states. Students must not present themselves in the clinical setting under any circumstance which could affect clinical performance in a negative way or pose a risk to patients (i.e. the next nursing course. 9/8 Thur. MSc Community Health Nursing is a 2-3 year postgraduate course. High level wellness, health, and disease are distinguished. M.Sc Nursing First Year - Subject-wise Syllabus. Emails are sent to the student's FIU email on record. Increasing awareness of Zika Virus. Care of Communities: Community Health Nursing. Enrolled Community Health Nursing. Course: Occupational Health Nursing I: Concepts and Practice. NUR 330 Population and Community Health. Clinical Policies a. CPR training: Junior and Senior level students: A current training card covering the full academic year must be submitted to the School of Nursing prior to Fall Orientation day (see Appendix C). %PDF-1.5
Examination content will cover textbook material, PowerPoint presentations and all assignments: required readings, resource links on course website, etc. St. Louis: Lippincott. All students are expected to participate asynchronously in the course activities. <>
NOTE: Instructors are not required to grant the extension. Make-up tests may consist of various types of questions other than multiple choice. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to community health nursing, health promotion and disease prevention across the life span. 6 0 obj
Keep in mind that forum discussions are public, and care should be taken when determining what to post. Columbia University School of Nursing, Center for Health Policy (2002). Students should not leave the classroom unless dismissed except in the case of an emergency. This course is a continuation of prior nursing courses. It also describes problems, trends and issues in the Philippine and global health care systems affecting community health nursing practice. (SLPO 2), Use assessment results to influence the delivery of quality care, deployment of resources and technology, and the development of policies that promote population health and disease prevention. (See Student Handbook Document: Attendance/Absence/Exam Makeup Policy / PN Student Handbook section Labeled Attendance/Absence/Makeup of Absence), (See Student Handbook Document: Classroom Standards Policy and Procedure / PN section labeled General Information and Requirements- subcategory, Telephone), (PN section labeled General Information and Requirements- subcategory, Telephone). Active student participation in the course will be monitored by the course faculty, as evidenced by periodic participation by the faculty member in the various discussion groups and forums. <>
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Various committees and commissions on health and family welfare. Explores rural community health nursing, focusing on historical development, philosophy, health care systems, . We hope this explanation helps you see how your program builds from individual learning activities to achievement of a degree and becoming a baccalaureate prepared nurse.
2. Faculty may choose to grant an extension on assignments without penalty, however, students must seek permission from the instructor at least 24 hours prior to the due date of the assignment. Nurs-5327-Nursing Education Curriculum Development. Bennett, C.D. %%EOF
Apply principles of leadership to advocate for the unique role of the nursing profession within the health care system. Students requesting accommodationsshould contact DSS as early in the semester as possible to avoid delay of accommodation due to student load. This is the email address you will use for all communication with NIC faculty and staff. The SWOT analysis of the SLE agency addresses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and gaps in services available in the community. Academic DishonestyViolations of academic integrity involve using or attempting to use any method that enables an individual to misrepresent the quality or integrity of his or her work at North Idaho College. Appendix F.1 Essential elements of public health nursing, Appendix F.2 American public health association definition of public health, Transformative Learning Concepts [Video file, 3:03 mins], M3A1: Conducting and Reporting a Windshield/Walk Assessment, Chapter 18: Community as client: Assessment and analysis, Chapter 32: Vulnerability and vulnerable populations: An overview, Healthy People 2020 (back page and back inside cover), Major health issues and chronic diseases in the community, Healthy People 2020 https://www.healthypeople.gov/, Vulnerable Populations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrYyqRxl6CA, Poverty Map http://www.povertyusa.org/the-state-of-poverty/poverty-map-state/, Planning a Service Learning Experience (PowerPoint), Chapter 7: Cultural diversity in the community. Unless otherwise noted, all assigned items are due at the end of the module (by 11:59PM, Sunday). stream
Laboratory fees, Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), student response card RF, audio plug-in (earphones) for the computer, stethoscope, penlight, watch with second hand, bandage scissors, eye protection, uniform, CPR certification (basic), health screenings (including immunizations), health insurance. COMMUNITY HEALTH ASSESSMENT PROJECT AND RUBRIC . (See Student Handbook Document Attendance/Absence/Exam Makeup Policy)NOTE: Exceptions may be made in the event of student requirement to quarantine or isolate due to COVID restrictions. Satisfactory performance in the Practice Experience component of this course is required for a passing grade in the course. The shift will be counted as a clinical absence. 10 0 obj
SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH . be prepared to actively participate in the learning process by completing assigned readings. DSS provides academic accommodations, access, assistance and services at NIC and at the North Idaho Consortium of Higher Education campus. Chapter 5: Economics of health care delivery, Chapter 6: Application of ethics in the community, Revisit Chapter 7: Cultural diversity in the community, The 3 Es: Environment, economics, and ethics, Government, the law, and public health policy, Chapter 40: The nurse leader in the community, Chapter 32: Vulnerability: issues for the twenty-first century.