The child in the womb, struck by the thunder bolt, cried out. On their way, suddenly there was a gust of wind, and the clouds darkened the skies. In this way was born Lord Krishna, the supreme God who is the creator of The eighth child, the eighth child has been born! cried the guards. But then he became angry. He never cried Though it may appear an effortless coincidence that I came upon the chanting of the holy names in this lifetime, there is a long track-record of pious activity to first create the foundation. And, due to both these curses, this Aditi will be born as a woman. Vysa said :-- Daksa Prajpati had two daughters, Diti and Aditi; these two, of high rank, were married to Kas'yapa; and they were his favourites. Mathura. Raja Harishchandra is admired and idolized for his steadfastness and honesty, even though during his lifetime it led him to sell his son into slavery along with his wife. However, Gods actions have no personal motive because he is perfectly satiated by the infinite bliss of his own personality. After completing the sacrifice, Kashyapa delayed in returning the cow back to the deity. She was a partial incarnation of Aditi, the mother of the Devas. There, in the womb of Diti, is your powerful enemy. Saying thus, he touched her feet and began to shampoo her legs. The guards were fast asleep, as well. That evil minded Indra bowed down at the foot of Diti with humility and addressed her with words, sweet but full of poison. In the Mahabharat, Devi Ganga drowned her newborns with her own hands. The same Ananta serves as the serpent-bed for Narayana in Vaikuntha, the spiritual world. 37. This devotion can either be toward the formless aspect of God or toward his personal form. thoughts. Lord Krishna life story is packed with adventure, emotion and wisdom, right from when he was Baal Gopal in Gokul to when he presented his Viraat Swaroop to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. converged into a sphere and the same voice of the Oracle that scared Kamsa, In blind rage, Silently he marvelled at the wonders he had seen, but hurried on to find the house of Nand, chief of the cowherds of Gokul. According to the Harivamsa Purana, Vasudeva and Nanda, the Kshatriya chief of Gokula, were brothers or cousins. Silently, quietly, Vasudev entered the room. He asked if he would spare Devakis life. When Devaki was old enough, it was arranged that she would marry Vasudev, a good and noble man who was a follower of Vishnu, and did not fear the demon Kansa at all. Yashoda mother of Lord Krishna has become eternal for sheltering her foster son in a way only a mothers love can. At the stroke of midnight, the eight baby, who we know as Lord Krishna was born to Devaki. Lihatlah 12 sambutan unik Janmashtami di negeri-negeri India yang berbeza. Devaki and Vasudev Are Imprisoned. [21], Devaki, upon hearing how Krishna restored his Guru Sandipani's son, wished to see her own children. Diti promised to act according to his word and took an oath; and when she practised the vow, Maharsi Kas'yapa impregnated the seed in her womb. It looked alive and ready to devour the first person to set It is said that in the spiritual realm there is no need of external lighting, because of this effulgence. your doctor. The annual celebration of Janmashtami reaches the crescendo of jubilation and excitement as the clock strikes twelve at night. It was almost as if my cute little son! Devotion toward the formless is intangible and nebulous to most people. Owing to a divine prophecy that he would be slain by the eighth child of Devaki, Kamsa arranged that all of Devaki's sons should die at birth. Kansa went to the dungeon and ordered Devaki to hand over the baby. Sesh Naag Takes Birth as a Human. 19. Then, when Krishna was born, God's will was revealed through direct instructions. Dari Uttar Pradesh ke Kerala, Gujarat ke Andhra, ulang tahun kelahiran Lord Krishna disambut dengan penuh semangat di hampir setiap bahagian negara. He thought that any of the children of Devaki can be Vishnu, so he killed all other children of Vasudeva and Devaki. We see so many within the opening moments of Krishna-lila, when the personal Divine descended to this earth, selecting the birth-parents of Vasudeva and Devaki. He He does not need to achieve further personal bliss by performing actions. When Vasudeva handed Krishna over to them, he took with him Yashodas just-born child instead. Therefore, whatever he does is for the welfare of the materially conditioned souls. Vasudeva now had a rather significant obstacle: a raging Yamuna River. In the palace dungeons, Vasudev was trying his best to console his wife, but He was a born Kshatriya. He was born to Devaki and her husband Vasudeva who were ironically sent to jail by Devakis own brother, the evil prince Kansa. He reached the dungeons in great Song, dance and drama are essential to the lively and colourful celebrations. When they reached Mathura Kansa imprisoned Vasudev and Devaki in the palace dungeon. But soon a happy news came. He flung open the prison doors and snatched the baby from Devakis arms. use of this site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use. Sesh Naag Takes Birth as a Human. The Story Of Lord Krishna's Birth & His Two Moms. Ultimately, it was Abhimanyu's son Parikshit who ascended the Kuru throne after Yudhishthira. water during the monsoon season. Vasudev and Dekavi rejoiced. Here too, all was silent. I am Devi, born as a baby to fool you! Please let your only niece live!" It is these sentiments that purify the devotees mind. The childhood of Lord Krishna has been glorified. back to Mathura and killed Kamsa. When Devaki was expecting her seventh child, Vasudev prayed long and hard to Vishnu. Sta said :-- Thus asked by the son of Pariksit, Vysa, the son of Satyabat, himself replied to the king about their causes in the following words :--. Sarana had many sons like Satyadhriti and Marsti, and Shatha had a son called Sarthi. Bhagavan appeared as Shri Rama in that instance, as the son of King Dasharatha of Ayodhya. But prison shining bright. His skin had a dark - blue color as is seen in a cloud filled with Then the prison was filled once again with a blinding light. Krishna worked His magic through the internal energy known as yogamaya. 26. Bhagavata Purana explains that the Yamuna allowed Vasudeva safe passage in the same way that the ocean had previously given way to Shri Rama to cross and reach Lanka. All five Pandavas are incarnation of five out of seven Indra. village of Gokul. 29. To develop such divine feelings, we must understand the difference between Gods actions and ours. O Beautiful One! Brishbhanu and Kirti Have a Girl Child. He ordered the wedding procession to return to Mathura. Why did Vasudev and Devaki keep having children? In the country named India, in the modern day state of Uttar Pradesh stands As terrible as it sounds, they weren't the first or last parents to sacrifice their children for the greater good. But the newborn baby laughed, and put its tiny foot out of its swaddling sheets and touched the waves. When I say that there had to be some higher reasoning behind their actions, the easiest explanation would be "fate". But in the end, not entirely believing his eyes, Vasudev They had performed intense austerities to worship the creator deity Brahma, unbeknownst to their own grandfather, Hiranyakashipu. Priamo od Uttar Pradesh po Kerala, Gujarat po Andhra, vroie narodenia Pna Krinu sa oslavuje s vekm nadenm takmer v kadej asti krajiny. Just as silently as he had come, Vasudev returned to Mathura with the baby girl. Vasudev turned to Devaki, the doors of the prison swung open, and he saw all the soldiers in a deep sleep. I am sorry to hear of this curse. By earthly standards of "normalcy", Shantanu stopped her from doing the same to Devavrat out of human compassion; then she explained that divine compassion led her to drown the babies in the first place and spare them the misery that was to result from their past lives' curse. Hearing this, Kamsa froze with fear. And with his brother Balaram, he later went of India, Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Dept. [3] She is one of the wives of Vasudeva. Krishna, the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, was born in the prison of his maternal uncle Kamsa, the vicious ruler of Mathura.At the time of his sister Devaki's marriage with Vasudeva, Kamsa had heard from a Divine voice that his sister's eighth child would bring disaster and end his life. Vasudeva secretly carried Baby Krishna out of the prison cell to Gokul (in Mathura, Uttar Pradesh), where he grew up with foster parents and was the darling of the village. troubled the peace-loving citizens of Mathura. O Janamejaya! 38. "Goodbye, my son," he whispered. Devaki's eighth son was born at midnight on a dark and stormy night in the month of Sravan. 45. Watch. The prison doors suddenly opened. 7. In this manner, he killed seven 34. troubled by the fear of his possible death, lost his appetite and slept The latter, furious at their actions, cursed them to be born on earth and be slain by Kamsa, who himself was a form of their father. The streets were swept clean and the houses were decorated with This is your eighth child, roared Kansa. Do not be angry. All five Pandavas are incarnation of five out of seven Indra. How can she harm you? 14. Lord Vishnu told Vasudev to take the child away to Gokul, and that he must exchange the child for the baby born to Nanda Gopal and Yashoda. To help parents overcome. Other evidence is from archeological inscriptions, where Bhagavan is documented epigraphically to be from around 100 BCE, such as in the inscriptions of the Heliodorus pillar. Why was it that Diti so cruelly cursed his sister Aditi, the mother of Indra? Kamsa snatched the baby girl from Devaki's lap, and hurled the child against house to see the baby boy and to offer gifts. The ground shook with his fury. remained suspended in the air to the utter amazement of everyone present Plays are carried out re-enacting scenes from Krishna's early life. nothing by killing me. [23][24], Vasudeva carrying the newborn Krishna to Nanda's house in Gokula across the river Yamuna, Vasudeva carrying baby Krishna across the, Bhagavata Purana Skandha X Chapter 66, Motilal Bansaridass Publishers Book 4 Appendix (66A) pages 1884- 1885, additional verses in Vijaya-dhvaja's Bhagavata Purana, Chapter 69. On hearing this Kansa burst into a rage. Vasudev also felt very doubtful. When the boy reaches the top of the pyramid, he smashes the pot with a stick, and the buttermilk spills. Such devotion requires divine sentiments toward the personality of God. special, it was a divine child. Those who understand the divine nature of My birth and activities, O Arjun, upon leaving the body, do not have to take birth again, but come to My eternal abode. 8th Child of Vasudev & Devaki was Shri Krishna. looking happy. Kamsa smiled 54. proceed nonetheless. happened that as soon as Kamsa took the reins of the wedding chariot, a 52. Who dared speak such sacrilege? he roared. I swear, on oath, I don't make any difference between you and my mother Aditi. Amazingly, he could see. [9] kill Devaki. interactive elements on the site, any assistance, or response you receive is provided by the author Balarama married Revati and had 2 sons - Nishatha and Ulmuka & a daughter - Vatsala/Shashirekha. the prison wall. Even the usually desolate citizens of Mathura were Devakis marriage was fixed with a noble man named Vasudev. There are tons of other explanations out there that may succeed in convincing different types of people. realized that it meant no harm when he saw the serpent positioning its hood [7] According to popular tradition, Devaki is considered to be an incarnation of Aditi, a mother goddess who was the daughter of Daksha and the wife of Kashyapa. Verily those are blessed. Let them be watched every minute of the day for the rest of their lives! Kansas demon soldiers surrounded Devaki and Vasudev and took them off to the deepest, most secure dungeon in Kansas palace. His doom. Yet he had to obey the divine voice. O 3. [3] The son of the Yadava king Shurasena, he was also the cousin of Nanda, the foster-father of Krishna. her baby girl beside her was awake, staring at the door. immersed in the river, the flow became normal and Yamuna made way for the Ugrasena was a nice ruler, and Kamsa was just the opposite. This is evidenced by texts and archaeological evidence. alive in a safe place. Transedental Names With Corresponding Pictures, Type of People Who Don't / Do Surrender to krishna, Why Krishna Has to Come When His Other Avatars Will Do the Work, You can never Leave Krishna as he is EveryWhere, Vasudev - Devki Previous Birth / Curse / Relief. According to Hindu scriptures, Vasudeva (Sanskrit: , IAST: Vasudeva), also called Anakadundubhi, (anakas and dundubhis both refer to drums, after the musicians who played these instruments at the time of his birth),[1][2] is the father of the Hindu deities Krishna (Vsudeva, i.e. U/A 13+. that when he has come this far, he will surely be able to complete the rest Lord Vishnu told them that he will take birth as their eighth child. She was sleeping peacefully in her bed and Even now think out how you can kill your enemy. Kashyapa sought the help of the god Varuna for the offerings of milk and ghee. He explained it is not justified for him to kill his own sister on her wedding day. Devaki was the daughter of Devaka, the younger brother of King Ugrasen of Mathura. Kamsa entered the Lo! Then the Prajpati Brahm, to preserve and keep the prestige in the name of Justice and Religion, cursed his own very dear grandson Kas'yapa, the best of the Munis, and said :-- Go to the earth in your Ams'a, and take your birth in the Yadu clan, be united with your wives and work as a Cowherd. v. 115, pages 706-720; Last edited on 22 February 2023, at 19:33, Government Museum and Art Gallery, Chandigarh. Harish Bhimani . Watch. However, to create in her the feeling that he was there, by his Yogmaya power, he simply kept expanding Devakis womb. Vasudev left Mathura and soon approached the banks of the Yamuna river. The night soon ended and the next day arrived. At that time Lord Vishnu gave an order to . Thus, O king! One by one, six children of Devaki and Vasudev were born in the prison and Kansa killed them all. As if the river sensed his fear, the boiling subsided. I will hence count greed as more powerful than even Fate, the Ruler of all destinies. You also acknowledge that owing to the limited nature of communication possible on But this Janmashtami, tell your kids the sweetest Krishna fable the story of his two moms. Saying so, she disappeared, leaving behind a terror-stricken Kamsa. Vasudeva was born to the Yadava king Shurasena in the Surasena kingdom. Vasudev walked through the pouring rain, holding his newborn baby close to his chest, safe from the wind and the wet, trusting in the divine voice. This full-sized form could definitely not have resided in Devaki's womb. Thus was cursed the Maharsi Kas'yapa by Brahm and Varuna to come down to the earth as Ams Vatra to relieve the earth of her burden. her brother, "O Kamsa, my brother- my eighth child is a girl, and not the The light sleep and became aware that a baby was born. Without a word, he new father picked up his son to follow the Oracles Nands wife has just had a baby. Shakuni Plots Against . The baby was as dark as the clouds that covered the sky that night. As soon the child was born, the prison was filled with a dazzling, blinding a trying time for the commoners of Mathura to put up with Kamsa's and cried lustily. The Supreme Lord will be the one to take you by surprise. For your slayer is already born! Krishna fought all the demons that Kansa sent after him, and when he was twelve years old, killed Kansa himself. Dhritrashtra. The middle of the night, escaping from a prison with a talking baby, the difficulties did not end there. Vasudev found his way to Nands house. death warrant. StyleCaster Here's How To Watch 'The Weeknd: Live At SoFi Stadium' For A Better View Than The Front Row The Birth of Lord Ka. In his boyhood, he became the cynosure of all eyes- he won the hearts of all He is now well and Devaki, the water behind him. Why have you stolen away all the cows of the Varuna Deva, the Guardian of a quarter of the world? The end of the life. Vasudev placed Krishna in the cradle and took the baby girl gently with him back to Mathura. Kansa who loved his sister dearly escorted his sister by chariot to her in-laws home. Suddenly the dark dungeon was filled with a shining light and once again there came a voice out of the sky. Dressed in shining garments and dazzling jewels, she looked terrible and 1. But this time the baby did not die; instead, she flew up and for a second O S'atakratu! [17], Devaki soon mothered Balarama through the surrogacy of Rohini. Many thousands of years ago, the city of Mathura in northern India was ruled by a powerful and evil demon called Kansa. You are surely going to be pampered and spoiled by She was, however, no ordinary child. Leave your son with her, and bring her child back to Devaki.. Nandas wife Yashoda had just given birth to a baby girl. Vasudev entered his prison, and laid the baby girl beside Devaki. in the dungeons, Kamsa destroyed the child. O Brhmana! him the news. You have become very weak, lean and thin in the practise your vow. Inside the prison walls a terrible foreboding filled the hearts of the expectant parents. Anantadeva appeared on the scene and used His many hoods to act as an umbrella. So Kansa rejoiced at Devakis marriage with Vasudev, and celebrated the wedding with everyone else. nephew. He was born to Devaki and her husband Vasudeva who were ironically sent to jail by Devaki's own brother, the evil prince Kansa. The couple was held in a prison at the time. above all this, Kamsa locked his horns time Take your son to Gokul, across the river Yamuna, to the house of Nand, the cowherd, said the voice to Vasudev. . Will you not spare us at least one child?, But Kansa was not to be moved. 25. Should you have any concerns about your health, or of that of your baby or child, please consult with Suddenly there was pin drop silence. Soon Rohini gave birth to the baby, Devakis seventh son. Vasudeva came onto the bank of the Yamuna and saw that the water of the Yamuna was roaring with waves and that the whole span was full of foam. See! Share. Everyone was were, as always, wide open. Since his wives, Aditi and Surasa, had assisted him in concealing the cows in his hermitage, they were also born on earth as his two wives, Devaki and Rohini. Kamsa in particular had many sad disappointments destined for him, with the final blow dealt by Krishnas fist. This site content is protected by US, Indian and International copyright laws. SB 10.1.56 Each year thereafter, in due course of time, Devak, the mother of God and all the demigods, gave birth to a child. His angel of death. like an umbrella to save the new born baby from rain. Krishna had an unusual birth place jail! he left Gokul with Nanda's daughter in his arms. And it was Vishnus serpent Shesh Nag, who spread his hoods over Vasudev and Krishna, to guide them safely across the river. Varuna became very sorry; he went to Brahma, the Lord of the creation and told him humbly all that had happened and about his sorrows. As soon as the feet of Lord felt humiliated by the turn of events. 35. 10. Kamsa's sister Devaki got married to Vasudeva, another Yadava chief. If we look at these divine beings with the same perspective with which we see and judge ordinary human beings, we are bound to be disappointed. Kamsa, cunning as he was, thought, To Vasudevs astonishment the river parted giving him a safe route through. But what he saw astonished him greatly. The Srimad Bhagavatam describes Krishna and the Yadavas meeting Nandagopa and Yashoda there: Seeing Nanda, the Vis were delighted and stood up like dead bodies coming back to life. The devotional service was not an accident. Kansa killed each child within minutes of its birth. The marriage of Devaki and Vasudev shall be blessed, for of this union shall be born eight sons, said the voice. He was a cold hearted, merciless, and cruel man. Watch. Torture, pain and hell, There are also theories of divine intervention; some of the regional sources for the Mahabharat airing on Sun TV actually have Vasudev and Devaki making the decision not to have any children once they are imprisoned by Kans. Interesting as it is, there is a very important takeaway from the birth story of Lord Krishna: nothing can parallel a mothers love. Vasudev and Devakis chains were magically released. One day Kansa was sitting in his chambers, when he got the news that Devaki had given birth to a child. Krishna, revered by all Hindus, is considered to be the complete, and perfect, incarnation of the great god, Vishnu the Preserver. Bhagavan showed the visual of the four-handed form, opulently adorned, holding the four sacred items, and displaying everything popularly associated with Vishnu in Vaikuntha. Similarly Shiv Bhagwan severed his own son's head only to revive him as Ganeshji for reasons we ordinary humans still struggle to comprehend, but we still accept that he must've had his own divine reasons and we continue to worship Mahadev. surely meant that Kamsas frequent wars with the Yadu dynasty would come to Goddess Durga disappeared, as for Kansa he was terrified, and lived a life filled with fear. Thus, our actions are motivated by self-interest and the desire for personal fulfillment. the cry of a divine child. One after another their children were sentenced to immediate death by the king, Kamsa, who also happened to be Devakis brother. All his fears vanished for he understood I have come to serve you; order me now what I can do for you. In Mathura, all was as he had left it everyone slept, deep in an enchanted sleep. 23. This verse asserts that Narayana, Vsudeva (Krishna), and Vishnu are synonymous. The evil King was both pleased and afraid to hear of the birth of his though sad at her separation from her son, was happy for the baby. To serve one's Guru means to earn righteousness and immortality. The excellent fair complexioned Diti remained sacred, observed all the rules and, deeply intent on her vow, subsisted only on milk and slept or the ground. child. O mother! Save this child, he prayed. The Divine Himself has come, Vasudev reached the bank of the river Yamuna. Incase of any issue please contact the webmaster. should not be construed as a substitute for advice from a medical professional or health care provider. She addressed him, Oh wicked Kansa, you have just shown your evil nature by trying to harm and innocent baby, but your destroyer was born to Devaki at midnight and is now safe in Gokul. Vysa said :-- On hearing his mother, Indra, the King of the Immortals, thought over all the means and went then to his step-mother Diti. 41-42. cell where his sister and her husband lived for the past nine years. Kamsa was a demon known as Kalanemi These children were cursed that they will be reborn and be killed by their own father who will reincarnate as kamsa, their maternal uncle. Kamsa to guide them. and always had a smile for everyone. Certainly they are not normal beings like us and they carry immense merits on them before taking human forms and are always tuned to God even in their dreams. in tears. The walls and gates function in a reverse way; they keep people in. Vysa said :-- O king! Great explanation Lola! Vasudeva and Devaki traveling in a carriage During the nuptials of Vasudeva and Devaki following the former's wedding with his bride's six older sisters, Vishnu picked a lock of hair from his mount Shesha as well as his own, proclaiming that they would take be born as Devaki's seventh and eighth children, respectively. The one person whom Kansa loved and adored, was his sister Devaki, who was kind, loving and caring. Soon, Devaki was married to King Vasudev. According to legend, Mother Earth was once very upset about the increasing sin on Earth. An akasha-vani had made the prediction, or warning in Kamsas case, during the time of Vasudeva and Devakis marriage. Diti, too, becoming grieved much with sorrows, cursed Aditi that seven of her sons would be killed consecutively after their births. Kansa took the babys life. After the wedding, he decided to drive the royal couple home himself to [16] The author and the century in which the above Mahanarayana Upanishad was composed is unknown. 24. 9. This is because the son was the Supreme Personality of Godhead Narayana. Vasudev told Devaki that he would take the child to his friend Nanda Gopal in Gokul. With Sheshnag assisting him like before, Vasudev returned to the prison with Still, just like they bore such devastating losses before, they once again put themselves through trauma to ensure that God's will was obeyed and the world got its savior. The Father looked at his the face of his infant child and hesitated in doubt. 1. he decided to spare her life. [18] These relative chronology estimates date the text to second half of 1st millennium BCE. Before the child is born of the womb, try to destroy it. Devaki was pregnant with her eighth child. entered queen Yashoda's quarters. they realised that the child had changed into a ferocious Goddess! Since the time I have looked, on my co-wife Diti, of beautiful eyes and proud, this is the one and only thought that troubles the peace in the innermost of my hearts.