Expansion valves are an active device, they regulate the flow of refrigerant to the evaporator depending on evaporator temperature. With R-12, 30 is 28.4psi and 40 is 36.9psi, for a difference of 8.5psi. ~ Mahatma Gandhi, Gandhi, An Autobiography, M. K. Gandhi, page 446. How is 1234yf different from . With R12 you use to check to see if the site glass was full, if it had bubbles it meant you had a low charge. To prevent refrigerant loss you should consider replacing your old hose lines with barrier type hose. Compressor. Thus, when the system is running, condensing the CO2 is not a problem. Figure 2 shows the different phases and pressures the refrigerant . Is there a difference between a R134a expansion valve and an R12 TXV? Its highest value is 1. That way I will have reduced the oil by about 1/3 (assuming the oil is mixed evenly through the system). So that indicates it is cooling well there doesn't it? a 50f delta across the condensor is good, but I suspect that is an idle reading. But R22 is almost equally damaging. The money you will save by will pay for the R12. Paul:A 1983 240D should have a York compressor on an OEM system. The pressure at low temperatures is nearly the same between 12 and 134a. I have just bought gauges. The only difference I can imagine would be the recharge connection. The old compressor used R12 and the new unit will be R134a. I know this is bad, etc, and deposits on the metal can act as insulators. This kit comes complete with Expansion valve, o-ring kit, and 1ft. In cases such as this, the required capacity value of the expansion valve with R134a is reduced by 30% (correction factor 1.42). I dont know why the cost difference between compressors is so huge, though. Instead of using R12, its preferable to use R134a because it is very easy to find in the market, its sold at an affordable price, and is environmentally friendly. If liquid refrigerant were to exit the evaporator. Even though their common major function is to cool the system, they have many differences. The adjusted tension of this spring is the determining factor in the opening and closing of the expansion valve. Thomas Jefferson, Thanks,OK, I'm starting to feel a little better about it. Participate in over 40 different forums and search/browse from nearly 3 million posts. Neuro spine Super Speciality Clinic - Above Apollo Pharmacy, Bangarpet Circle, Kolar - Bangarpet Road, Kolar Town. Automotive Replacement Expansion Valves & Parts; Industrial & Scientific; Customer Reviews. In addition, R134a refrigerants are not only used in auto air conditioners, they can be used in freezers, aerosol cans, and refrigerators. difference between r12 and r134a expansion valve. Talk about what services you provide. If it splashes inside the eye, it could lead to a serious eye problem. I have a laser temp reader, and it says the temps going into the condensor are up to 160F - coming out it is always around 110 or so. -------------------------"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest." Unfortunately, the R12 refrigerant doesnt always blow cold air. I have one can left, so maybe a plan can be made. Its cylinders are colored white. Typically 5 to 6 ounces of a/c oil is adequate but this may vary depending upon the car. As an example, let's say the R12 charge specification is listed at 2 lbs. How about evacing 1 pound of refrig from the system, and then putting 1 lb of pure R12 back in? It is mixed with the freon for the most part, and does accumulate in all components in small amounts. The flammables have hydrocarbons. had writing on the side that said R134a. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Is there a difference between a R134a expansion valve and an R12 TXV? I have the original (R12) style expansion valve in the Maverick AC system. Use strips of foam to couple the two heat exchangers if necessary.B. 4.3 out of 5 stars 491. Can I order a valve based on the original eaton number? 42 (at best) w/ 134A in 2000 isuzu trooper. Very interesting! Yes it will work with either Refrigerant! You do not need to replace every o-ring in the system, but if you happen to open a connection that has an o-ring you should replace the old o-ring with one that is compatible with R134a and lubricate the o-ring with ac oil. R134a systems operate at higher discharge-side pressures than R12, which can cause compressor seals to leak. Since 2010, all home AC systems manufactured use a refrigerant like R134a that has zero ozone depletion potential (ODP). R12, on the other hand, is called chlorofluorocarbon (CFC). If ambient is 90 (today) and the output of the condensor is 110, that's pretty good isn't it? Therefore, the higher the factor of the chemical (compound), the greater its effect on global warming. By noting the ambient temperature you can look up what the preferred high side pressure should be. If you're getting a R134a compressor, might as well finish the job - replace the receiver/dryer, flush everything else, and convert to R134a anyhow. Well, I'm not sure it is 'fine' - it doesn't cool very well in 95F weather. Since there is only about a 10% difference between R-12 and R-134a, the expansion valve being self-compensating really doesn't make that much difference. Is there a graph? He started writing automotive articles to share his garage experience with car enthusiasts and armature mechanics. As illustrated in the chart below, the curves below run together nearly throughout the curve, only slightly breaking paths at around 250 psig/150 degrees and above Flammability/Safety R-1234yf has been designated as MILDLY flammable. And, unfortunately a small high side pressure gauge on a short hose. I remember I had the wrong seals and it leaked some oil, so I put some more in.Bohica - I tested the pressures. The condensor airflow drops off as the fan clutch dies slowly. Replace the drier with a drier that has a desiccant that is R134a compatible, use new R134a o-rings. Depending on which circuit diagram fits your car (cough, no vin list exists) you have either one or two switches controlling the aux fan. Gain access to our free AOP (Ask a Professional) Section to get real answers for your questions. Skin contact: If the R134a (liquid) comes in contact with your skin, it could cause a burn. You can spend long evenings reading about the differences between the two refrigerants. Rules governing changing from the former to the latter differ between countries. In large application systems, the vapor density of this refrigerant is usually high. Your decision could be made based on economics, environmental concerns, or both. R12 and R134 are of different chemistry. If you have a perfectly operating system using R12 you do not have to drop what you are doing and convert to R134a. Most of all the differences gravitate to longevity, functionality, and safety. Thanks so much Bohica - you've save me many more hours of fruitless speculation. With R134a you do not rely on the site glass. GWP is a measurement of Greenhouse Gases and their effect on Global Warming. When I compare parts, 93 uses one part number and 94 has a different part number. Concentration level: The R134a vapor dilutes the oxygen concentration in the air to a low level, thereby causing harm. Refrigerators generally utilize R22, R32, or 410A-based coolants as their cooling agent. The Wikipedia explanation for expansions valves cited in Frank's thread says that the gas inside the bulb in the metering valve is the same as the refrigerant in the system. Is it exponential, squared? It is made up of carbon, hydrogen, and fluorine. CLUTCH CYCLING SWITCH. Gnats & mosquitos will clog deep. R134a has a smaller molecule than R12 so R134a will leak out sooner than R12. Before we mentioned that you can add approximately 5-6 ounces of ester oil to the compressor. Stopleak is also risky. Performance doesn't seem to have improved. I'm just trying to help you avoid headaches in the long run. However, theyre still used in older plants, systems, and the automotive industry. _____ 2012 E350 2006 Callaway SC560 . The pressure at low temperatures is nearly the same between 12 and 134a. R12 is used in several applications like low temperature, medium temperature, and high-temperature applications. The global warming potential measures the amount of heat trapped by any gas compared to the amount of heat trapped by the same amount of carbon dioxide. gital control scheme. If you find any of these conditions you will want to liquid flush (with dedicated AC flush solution) all the lines, condensers, evaporator (remove the expansion valve) before you proceed further. I think so. So to keep things simple and to avoid controversy and politics we have R134a. It would make a big difference at idle ,in traffic!! We suggest dumping the old refrigerant oil in a clean container and inspect the oil for sludge or waxing (old oil that has gelled) and contamination (metal particles). The most common influences which effect the capability of R134a to perform well are the condenser, in some cases the the superheat setting of the expansion valve or the amount of R134a. I don't recall all the details, but starts off with the largest parallel flow condenser and improved fans. A final difference is that most (though not all) R-1234yf cars will have a Suction Line Heat Exchanger. If you have a York, and it is equipped with service valves, you can check & adjust the oil level without discharging the system. As noted, measure up front as best as you can to get as close to the aftermarket dim. Table 1 summarizes the technical characteristics of three potential R134a alternatives. The only material difference between automotive A/C and a window A/C unit or refrigerator is that in the home application, the components are all inside the same rectangular box, but in the automotive application, the components are distributed throughout the car. They might say for instance, add 3-4 oz of oil to the compressor, 1 oz of oil for when you replace a drier, 2 oz oil for the evaporator and so on. R-12 - yellow R-134a - light blue R-22 - green R-402A - light brown (sand) R-402B - olive R-404A - orange R-407C - medium brown R-410A - rose R-507 - teal J Originally Posted by goldNSX. At the time I thought nothing of it, but now I am thinking maybe that is contributing to the system not working as well as it could. (The .133 is the 300D Turbo).So, what does your compressor look like?B. Break out the new gauges and measure hi and lo at 1500rpm, and do the Merc FSM test to see how we're doing performance wise. The cable is adjustable at the valve arm. Besides R134a there are some other refrigerants that are approved to replace R12 and there is a long list of refrigerants that are not approved. Recomanem consultar les pgines web de Xarxa Catal per veure tota la nostra oferta. I don't know where it is getting the switch off command, or why the vent temp drops steadily. Replied by Rich928 on topic R12 or R134a. With tube & fin condensors in MVAC applications there is never "too much" airflow. I put in a new (not reman) compressor (R4 I believe it is) in my merc 240D, new drier, new expansion valve, new o-rings, nylog. Bottom line, R134a simply doesn't cool as well as R12. This implies that the discharge pressure of the compressor should be moderate so it can produce the refrigerants condensation in the condenser at the atmospheric temperature. Condensers designed to release greater amounts of heat help to expel the greater amount of heat which R134a removes from the cars interior. You can use the R134a retrofit capacity chart for this purpose. 30 deg is pretty coldSystems generally run between 40 and 43 deg. Also, R134a cylinders are light-blue in color. I mean, really a lot. R134a refrigerant fittings are different size. Large temperature difference between expansion valve inlet and outlet oReplace expansion valve Air . Hot coolant migrates up through the core by convection (is that the word? Pound for pound R134a is a more efficient refrigerant than R12, however it runs at higher pressures in some aspects and therefore requires more effective condensing. Vent temperatures slowly go down to around 50F with hi speed driving. When the ambient air temps get above 80F the gauge readings can run a bit higher on the high side and lower on the low side when using R134a. R134a has a smaller molecule than R12 so R134a will leak out sooner than R12. Could that be screwing up the systems performance?Anyway, when I installed the system, the new TXV (is that short for expansion valve?) To bless the system the technician should attach a R134a sticker somewhere in the engine compartment to note the car is using R134a. However, you can convert R12 to R134a by yourself, save money and keep all the tools purchased. ambulance tailgate conversion At least you do not have 16 ounces in there ( yup seen it before).For now, straighten all of the fins that you can, clean the condensor well, and re-test with the aux fan running. After the system has been tested out it should be checked for leaks. With the knowledge of the differences, youll be able to draw a comparison between R12 vs R134a efficiency. The evap is hard to get at. The crossover point is approximately at 64F. -------------------------1983 Mercedes 240D on R12 and WVO!1192 Mercedes 300D 2.5 R134a1993 Toyota Pickup converted to R134a, Bohica, You say the drop in performance is not linear with too much oil. They examined the two configurations of capillary tubes i.e. This may be the source of your oil confusion. Took me a while to figure that one out, and how to say that. ESP when a compressor has frozen. It is a known suspect that lets heat into the heat exchanger/core even when off because the mono-valve is on the exit side of the heater core. Plus, not releasing the chemical into the air is morally justifiable. R12 Expansion Valve = 201 830 06 84 R134A Expansion Valve = 201 830 04 84 Is there a difference after all? The catalytic converter is an essential component of your car's emission system that helps save the environment from harmful emissions. 3) A TXV optimized for 134a will be ok with R12. A vacuum pump, a refrigerant recover system, quality service gauge set with both low and high side gagues, and much more besides the lessons to learn what to do and what not to do. Though I have seen em run as cold as 12 deg F. If the thermo switch is malfunctioning. Safety: R134a is safe to use as its non-flammable and cant explode. If not, you just don't know unless a test is performed. It is possible I have 10 ounces (250 ml) in the system. #19. There are three different refrigerants officially sanctioned by the EPA for automotive usage: r-12, r-. difference between r12 and r134a expansion valve why is miles raney not on homestead rescue June 21, 2022. manila mayor candidates 2022 Hmmmm. I don't believe it is but I had a service guy tell me it needs to be done. Thanks again. Or is there always room for improvement, the more the merrier. If there is a resource I should read first to save you time, let me know. Just because the radiator does not boil people assume that the cooling system is ok. Have a look in the FAQ Section, and look for "Fan clutches & testing them". R12 and R22 are both now banned by the EPA in the United States. I'll put the relay on for that. #13. Before landing on the debate of R134 vs R12 you should know that both R134a and R12 are AC refrigerants types used in refrigeration and air conditioning systems. For R12, its mineral oil. Disconnect the two hose lines to the compressor, protect the ends from getting dirty. Just had knee surgery yesterday, so I"M not exactly hopping around too well. Tamb oferim en VOSC el contingut daquestes sries que no es troba doblat, com les temporades deDoctor Who de la 7 en endavant,les OVA i els especials de One Piece i molt ms.
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