The following list is based on input from consultation, engagement and topic-based assessments of existing knowledge of the site and large scale NNB proposals at other sites. The order of themes, issues constraints and opportunities set out in the table below does not at this stage infer relative priority at this stage In order to ensure the sustainability of development proposals and appropriate impact assessments, themes, issues and schemes should be considered in the round and cumulatively across the different topic areas set out below. Although the current climate would suggest that this may be a reversing trend it is also clear that for many, the private car will remain the primary option of travel in the short to medium term at least. In line with the emerging Local Plan 2020 policy on NSIPs Council engagement in the preparation of a strategic masterplan on decommissioning should be appropriately resourced via a Planning Performance Agreement or other suitable mechanism. 5. The most common technologies are solar PV and also solar thermal. 5. At this stage, the intention is for all of these policies to be contained within a single Local Plan Document. We welcome and value the role that our residents and our partners in health and care, in housing, in education, in the police and emergency services, the private, public and voluntary and community sectors have already played in developing the vision behind this Council Plan and we look forward to working with you over the coming years to deliver our ambitious vision for you and your community. 20. Local Plan 2020 Phase 1 Issues and Approaches. NDA Radioactive Waste Strategy Figure 2 explains the Waste Hierarchy: preferred approach is prevention, then minimisation, then reuse, then recycle and disposal only when necessary. are clear and accessible. Our most important resource is our people, and we must maintain and build on our inclusive and supportive culture and working environment and positively promote equalities throughout everything we do. Town Centres, High Streets, Shopping and Leisure., 10. 3. Local Plan 2.1 diagram South Gloucestershire Plan Area 16 4.1 diagram Cotswolds Area of Outstanding 43 Natural Beauty 4.2 diagram Coastal Zone 46 4.3 diagram Forest of Avon 48 4.4 diagram Severn Levels 62 4.5 diagram Approximate Areas of Major Aquifers 75 4.6 diagram Areas of Flood Risk - Rivers 82 5.1 diagram Green Belt in South Gloucestershire 96 We recognise that council services are increasingly funded by council tax and business rates, which is why value for money plays such an important role in our decision-making. The Council proposes that developments within the urban zone (seen on the indicative map below) must submit a SGC Accessibility Assessment. Where we have emerging draft policies to share at this early stage, we have provided this in this table too. Do you think there are any other issues we should consider in this policy? We must re-double our efforts to promote equality of opportunity and build cohesive communities. Where appropriate serviced land is left in a condition suitable for a future agreed use; oriii. As with any development proposal, applicants are expected to engage with the local community and seek to generate support and address any concerns highlighted. These should include plans for phasing, and triggers for the delivery of key supporting infrastructure in order to secure the timely implementation of mitigation. With advances in technology, this is becoming more achievable for most people. b) A new distinctive character has been created, based on positive features found in the wider area, including any heritage assets or landscape features, where high quality distinctive features do not exist either within or around the site. South Gloucestershire Council has decided to join Bath & North East Somerset and Bristol city councils in pressing on with their Local Plans after metro mayor Dan Norris told the Government in May . For these applications, consistency with the Development Consent Order and relevant certified documentation is the primary consideration, but national and local policy may also be relevant. Given the importance of decommissioning the existing station, and the potential benefits of reusing the brownfield land to reduce the overall impact of NNB, when considering land use proposals at the existing Oldbury power station site, priority will sequentially be given to meeting the needs of: Decommissioning; Nuclear new build proposals; Other employment and/or green energy related uses. The policy must also acknowledge and reflect that we are in a period of transition, and help support the process of moving from established practices to the new approaches which will better support our sustainability objectives in the medium and longer term. Pollution We are committed to reducing. Regulated energy includes space heating, ventilation, hot water supply and lighting. 3. 3) MovementDevelopment proposals must create or enable sustainable connections to destinations, places and communities, both within the site and beyond its boundaries. Our Local Plan evidence base includes documents related to the new Local Plan, including recent and forthcoming new evidence and background information supporting the Phase 2 consultation. Were listening to business leaders to understand what skills they need, both now and into the future and were working with those businesses, with schools, colleges, universities, with the West of England Combined Authority and other partners to deliver courses and other opportunities to teach these key skills.The Covid-19 outbreak has highlighted worse health outcomes for those living in poor quality and overcrowded housing, which adds further weight to our priority to deliver sustainable inclusive communities, infrastructure, and growth. minimising impact and maximising benefits and legacy throughout the life of this intergenerational project. 28. Go back to the Local Plan 2020 Phase 1 Issues and Approaches document landing page. A3** Restaurants and Cafes and A4**public houses, 1 space per 5sqm dining area or public drinking area, Shopping, leisure, recreation and other uses requiring public access and employment, In addition to and equal to 5% of the level of parking derived from Schedule B, 1) Car parking spaces should be clearly identified for blue badge holders only and should be located so as to allow easy access to the building they serve, Shops, services less than 3,000m2 gross floor area (GFA) (A1, A2), Garden centres, including those attached to other retail premises, Motor vehicle services (garage, workshops, car sales, car hire), Student accommodation (Sui Generis/C3/C1), 1 (provided garage design accommodation both car and cycle storage). At the South Gloucestershire Council Cabinet meeting on 10 October 2022, an updated Local Plan Delivery Plan (LPDP) setting out future stages for preparation of our new Local Plan was approved.This sets out when future stages of Local Plan consultation are planned, including a next consultation in 2023 and a draft plan (Regulation 19 stage) in 2024.This document supersedes previous LPDP and other timelines. d) Where possible, renewable and low carbon energy installations and infrastructure have been incorporated. The Council will work in collaboration with the NDA, relevant statutory organisations, the operators of the existing Power Station site and the promoters of nuclear new build, to agree a co-ordinated, and integrated and phased site wide strategic masterplan to delivers sustainable decommissioning proposals and beneficial use, reuse and restoration proposals as appropriate, while recognising the context of regulatory, strategy and guidance applying to nuclear decommissioning proposals. For non- residential development, only one policy option is presented which requires 100% reduction in carbon emissions (net zero carbon) arising from regulated energy use. The site includes Lagoon 3, which formerly provided open water habitat for birds associated with the estuary designations. Creating well-designed places requires an understanding of a wide range of principles, across numerous disciplines. The Local Plan will guide how and where this will happen. Any proposal to dispose of such waste on site will require planning consent as well as consent from the Environment Agency. The Office of Nuclear Regulation land use planning advice in respect of emergency planning around nuclear sites including Oldbury may be found at:, ONR regulations covering arrangements for the surrounding area Potential public perceptions regarding safetyRelationship to Emergency Planning arrangements for the existing Magnox station. Proposals for waste management or disposal should form an integral part of the strategic decommissioning masterplan for the Oldbury site, in accordance with emerging Local Plan 2020 policy. secure local economic benefits. By 2019 this had risen to 46. Mechanisms therefore need to be put in place to accommodate flexibilities while also ensuring that mitigation measures can be adapted or modified to address any impacts arising from those changes. High quality and fast digital infrastructure will be expected in new development, the expectation and criteria of which will be contained in a proposed new policy Digital Connectivity & Broadband, which will be brought forward in future stages of the Local Plan 2020. Do you think there are any other issues we should consider in this policy? Their location will be governed by grid connection availability, and proposals will be more favourably considered where they form part of a renewable energy generation facility, or are located in industrial areas. The most up to date census data outlines that South Gloucestershire has a higher level of vehicle ownership per household than the national average. Further detail regarding sustainable design and construction methods will be provided in a new policy, which will be brought forward through future stages of preparing the Local Plan 2020. Town and parish councils. It is essential that adaptation measures are considered at the outset of the decision making process, including the location and initial concept of the development, and also that current and anticipated impacts are taken into account. You can read more in the Action Plans 1 6 document. For both residential and non-residential development, a sequential approach is set out in Clause 1 of the policy to guide the steps needed to achieve the 100% carbon emissions reduction requirement. Given the proximity of Oldbury A and the proposed NNB site, and the potential for close interrelationships between multiple factors, the Council will continue to work with the Nuclear Decommissioning Agency, the operators of Oldbury A and NNB promoters in respect of decommissioning plans and the potential for integration with NNB. Town and Parish Councils are integral to community engagement. At this stage the map is high level and a further more detailed map will be required to support the policy as it is refined. Providing land for Economic Development, 9. The need to protect habitats and species associated with the international designations on the estuary, including the seasonal presence of migratory species, may also constrain the timing, phasing and nature of decommissioning related activities and works. The Councils evidence shows that on certain sites and types of development much higher standards can be achieved on-site, and this will be encouraged. Achieving these and other priorities will require new policies which update and eventually replace our adopted policies. Acceptable development proposal(s) must demonstrate that; a) The scale and massing of the built form relates to the site and the local character surrounding the development, with minimal amenity impacts relating to overlooking, over-shadowing and over-bearing issues; b) Construction materials are locally distinctive, complementary when viewed as a collection, and appropriate for their use and function, with a focus on robustness and a positive visual appearance over time; c) The arrangement and design of windows (the fenestration) is visually attractive, balanced and functional. This will need to include a new strategy and policies to guide and manage growth and change in. The Local Plan 2020 will shape our district for the next 15 years. It is not proposed that a blanket reduction be applied in these areas as individual sites may be more (or less) suitable to a reduction but instead sets out areas where it is suitable for a reduction in car parking space provision. This policy should be read in combination with all other relevant policies in the Plan, but in particular the suite of policies relating to NSIPs, decommissioning and radioactive waste. Through the likes of the innovation cluster that identifies as the South Gloucestershire Tec Arc, through the emergence of unique leisure experiences in the North Fringe, through our market towns and rural tranquillity, but also our transport and digital connectivity; we have virtues that we are keen to promote. The expectation, based on evidence, is that this policy option will be viable and achievable in the near future for similar costs to those tested for Option 1. Given the uncertainties that arise due to the scale complexity and duration of a NNB, a Community Impact Mitigation Fund will be necessary to address to address unforeseen changes in context and impacts that may arise over the lengthy construction and operational phases. The 10 characteristics (except built form and movement) have been grouped into related pairs: 1) Context local and wider context, heritage, local history and culture, 2) Identity creating and responding to local character and identity, 3) Built form compact development, appropriate building types and forms, destinations, 4) Movement integrated networks for all travel modes, hierarchy of streets, parking and utilities, 5) Nature green open spaces, landscape variety, play, water management, biodiversity, 6) Public spaces well-located and attractive spaces, safety, social interaction, 7) Uses uses mix, range of home tenures, types and sizes, socially inclusive, 8) Homes & buildings healthy, comfortable and safe, external amenity, detailing, waste provision, 9) Resources energy hierarchy, materials and techniques, maximise resilience, 10) Lifespan management and maintenance, adaptability, evolving technologies, sense of ownership. Planning law requires that planning decisions are made in accordance with the Council's Development Plan. It will open in a separate window. All land use, development, demolition and waste planning proposals should be set within the context of an agreed strategic masterplan. The existing and future development potential of adjoining sites, or the potential for the area to achieve a coherent, interconnected, and integrated built form, must not be prejudiced by proposals. Local Plan Saved Policies; The Minerals and Waste Local Plan Policies; Proposals Map; Supplementary residential extension guidelines (RESPD) which provide information on what kinds of residential extensions are considered acceptable in Slough. Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, 7. South Gloucestershire is well placed to take advantage of these opportunities, and is working with the other West of England authorities to achieve resilient, healthy, communities, an enriched environment, and a successful low carbon economy. There are many strands to the inequality challenge and we must work with partners in health and education, with voluntary and community groups and directly with local people to first identify those at greatest need and to then put in place timely and appropriate support, ensuring that mechanisms, guidance and pathways to further education, employment and career progression etc. People want to live here, move here, and start businesses and families here. For the latest updates check our consultation page. Our priority is that this best start in life is available for all children although we recognise that we need to offer bespoke support for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO), Residential Conversions and Sub-Divisions, 48. 07/02/2023. How to pay any council bill, fine or invoice . Different standards for different parts of the district? Our approaches to strategic growth policies will be informed by the emerging sub-regional Spatial Development Strategy and supporting evidence base. Recent updates to national legislation has resulted in changes to the Use Classes Order. Earlier Core Strategy documents and representations can be downloaded from our website. Option 2 of the policy is currently a viability off approach in that the current assessment of costs has not been included in the Local Plan viability study. We host key junctions for five motorways, both Severn crossings, have high speed rail lines to London and South Wales and have a large international port and airport nearby. Car Parking Standards for both residential and non-residential developments within certain areas are looking to move towards a flexible approach relating to the accessibility of the development location, with the most accessible locations requiring the lowest car parking provision. But please see the Building a Strategy, Urban Lifestyles section for potential approaches which may involve places in the North Fringe, CS29 Communities of the East Fringe of Bristol Urban Area, Draft policy not yet available. Appropriate monitoring arrangements and adequately resourced Management and Delivery Plans for both the Construction and Operational phases of NSIPs will be required to ensure that socio-economic, transport and environmental objectives are met during both construction and operation. Promotion of healthy lifestyles and well-being both for construction workers and local people Dedicated provision of facilities and services for construction workers to prevent impacts on local communities Surveys of local people during implementation can help understanding of well-being issues Provision of amenities for construction workers could become long term legacy for local communities Enhancements to the PRoW network to compensate for any unavoidable losses. Evidence of climate change mitigation should be submitted to demonstrate how development proposals:a) Are to be built with materials, and construction methods, that have a low carbon footprint; andb) Are located in areas where the need to travel is minimised, the use of the private car is minimised irrespective of fuel source, and opportunities for using sustainable modes of transport such as walking, cycling and public transport, are optimised (in line with the approach in existing policies CS8 and PSP11); andc) Minimise energy consumption through efficiency measures at building and site level; andd) Use renewable and/or low carbon sources of heating systems; ande) Maximise passive cooling measures, and meet residual cooling demand sustainably; andf) Optimise renewable and/or low carbon energy generation; andg) Incorporate infrastructure and technology to facilitate low carbon living and working.
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