She holds a sunflower in her left hand and a wand in the other. The reversed Queen of Wands can also indicate a lack of ambition and motivation in the relationship, leading to feelings of frustration or boredom. She offers you the motivation and determination to take on any challenge with enthusiasm and courage. The Queen's Fire is ameliorated by Water, so she can be kind and considerate also. Card interpretation: Well, youre definitely moving in the right direction! Your bond excites them. The fortuneteller strives for glory, but does not forget about those who have always been there. Comparison with others is not in ones favor, envy. Essentially, you make them feel alive, and this leaves them buzzing with excitement. With regards to parenthood and fertility, unfortunately, this card isnt a great omen as it can suggest issues surrounding this area its best to seek professional help with this one. and How exactly does this affect me?. She brings the energy you need to take on any challenge or goal. In the second position: This may be someone, perhaps a family member on whom you can fall back. Through her website, she teaches over 1 million yearly visitors how to make divination a lifestyle, not just an occasional practice. This will be someone that has a lot of typical feminine qualities, and they will radiate confidence and be full of passion. The reversed Queen of Wands Tarot in the spirituality spread gives the meaning of degradation. She has a proud look about her. The Queen of Wands is a mature woman. This is where a relationship should be in the long term. Queen of Wands is a natural-born leader and an inspiring presence in any room. Often the reverse position of the card shows treason. WebQueen of Wands as a Person or Signifier The Queen of Wands is ambitious. The Queen of Wands as how someone thinks of you, is a card that symbolises warmth, compassion and loyalty. For this, the querent has all the trump cards in his hands. Position of creative director, advertising agent, artistry. Card interpretation: This Queen will be in favour of making investments as long as you dont plan on going overboard with it. She is an excellent multi-tasker and can function as the CEO of a For men, the Queen of Wands card symbolizes activity on the part of some lady. The meaning of the Queen of Wands is similar to the King of Water this Arcana also shows the synthesis of Water and Fire. In this blog post, youll learn all about the Queen of Wands Tarot card and the positive and negative aspects associated with it. and quite a challenge. They do not set out to be this way intentionally but can be inconsiderate with their feelings and actions. In the reversed position, she advises you to step back and assess what is causing your lack of energy or ambition. They like your confidence, and they want your company. The Queen of Wands encourages you to use her creative energy and ambition to achieve success in whatever endeavour you are pursuing. The artworks from the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck contain deeper esoteric meanings that tarotists love to decipher. WebThe Queen of Wands feels she can achieve goals. Maybe even a tad bit overwhelming or dominant. He also knows how to establish contact with other people, to seek an individual approach. Outside the weird and wonderful world of my craft, I like to cosplay and fully dive into the fantasy genre across all forms, from books to video games and everything in between. Strive for sharp perception as you defend your position and integrity. If you think there is a new situation, ask a new and different questionand draw new cards. The riddle cannot be solved, what is happening causes only bewilderment. No problem - and I hope others post their thoughts here, too, for you. Hiding information about the financial situation, deceiving loved ones. You can and will do better. Hope this helps. In terms of money, the Queen of Wands indicates that you can make progress financially by taking risks and being ambitious. The reversed Queen is imploring you to seek structure and ways to organise your life and routine once again, you dont want to put yourself at risk of burning out if you carry on like this. Men should pay attention to the actions of the partner. The Queen of Wands suggests strength and passion. Activity and expression turn into bitchiness and pomposity. The Queen of Wands Feelings Tarot Meaning It is possible that the Queen of Wands is a sign that either you or your partner is very focused on their work, and even their friends, but not on the relationship. This card often represents a feeling of burnout and exhaustion born from the mismanagement of our energy and endeavors. In terms of spirituality, the Queen of Wands symbolizes the combination of male and female qualities. Emotional outbursts are likely. The pyramids are in the background. You cannot tame chaos with more chaos, its time to gain some structure again to end your near-exhausted state. The querent can hide funds from loved ones or invest in "gray" business schemes. What was the outcome? This card often represents a feeling of burnout and exhaustion born from the mismanagement of our energy and endeavors. For a person who loves life with a fiery joy the world appears to respond by protecting them from harm and sending them joyous experiences. As feelings, the Queen of Wands indicates that the person is feeling optimistic and empathetic. Tarot Card Meaning in Love, Health & Career. The presence of a King Tarot card Where everyone else wants to be, you already are. Using ones influence for selfish purposes, for the sake of evil. For lonely questioners, the Queen of Wands reversed predicts a difficult period in his personal life. At the same time, the lady herself can be quite conservative. You as the Queen of Wands, are seen as someone who is fun and popular. Generally, this person feels very warmly towards you or the situation. She brings the energy you need to take on any challenge or goal. The Knight of Wands often fails to achieve his goals. The reversed Queen of Wands also shows popularity and fame. All events will then line up in the desired pattern, like glass in a kaleidoscope. Events will stack against the querent. The girl needs to communicate more, to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Thanks for visiting! list of the 56 minor arcana tarot cards & their meanings. WebQueen of Wands as a Person or Signifier The Queen of Wands is ambitious. Inspiring others through her actions, the Queen of Wands is an influential leader. She teaches her students how they can communicate with their ancestral spirits and predict their futures through various divination systems. Youre full of energy, youre feeling healthy, and nothing is really knocking you down at the moment. She brings the energy you need to take on any challenge or goal. King of Wands as Feelings (Tarot Card Combinations) King of Wands and the Emperor The Emperor is the father archetype in the tarot system. To state the obvious, you might make a new, female friend. It can be a trip to a fortune-teller, a psychic, a witch. The imagery on the throne represents a mix of pride, strength, joy, and fertility. Love for an adventurous woman or an independent partner. Now! Querent question: Is this new person in my life good for me?. It is a very positive tarot card that represents someone who feels very warm and loving towards their person. - The Queen of Wands is not a card which I that usually associate with pregnancy and conception. Upright Queen of Wands as Feelings: for Ex She leads the relationship according to her scenario, the man only has to admire his passion. You as the Queen of Wands, are seen as someone who is fun and popular. Copyright 1996 - 2022 Aeclectic Tarot. They possess a strong creative energy and a bold spirit that, when harnessed, can help them overcome their challenges and achieve their goals. At the same time, age does not affect the mobility and elaboration of the body in any way the questioner can be young or in years. She is an excellent multi-tasker and can function as the CEO of a Channel for divine insight, inner confidence, spiritual energy/drive. Card Name: Queen of Wands, Lady of Staves, Active element: Fire (suit) & Water (rank). But pretty sexy! When, you ask? Maybe even a tad bit overwhelming or dominant. They do not set out to be this way intentionally but can be inconsiderate with their feelings and actions. WebCard Name: Queen of Wands, Lady of Staves. Further, unlimited opportunities open up in any area of life. The Arcana speaks of the importance of receiving a response from others. This is a sign of focus on external manifestations of ones character, love for freedom and independence. This person sees you as the warm ray of sunshine they didnt know they needed in their life. The Queen of Wands is a person who is a born leader and a source of motivation for those who are in her company. She is the kind of person that is clear about her goals and pursues them with the utmost enthusiasm and dedication. But Im not going to tell you that the information youll uncover will make you a better tarot reader. In the context of the work, the Queen of Wands reversed shows the loss of a leadership position. In this article, we will discuss the meanings of the Queen of Wands in various tarot reading contexts as well as the different symbols and nuances that can be found within this court card. As sure as the energy runs through your veins, you like to complete tasks and get the job done. QP #1, Ace of Cups #2, QW #4, QC #5, and QS # 7, The World #9 and Knight of Pentacles number 10. The querent easily achieves what he wants, others are always ready to help and listen. The vibrations of the card glow with an even light, warm with the rays of the bright sun. Take some time to reflect on what it is that you want out of your relationship and then communicate this clearly with your partner. Use that fire burning away inside of you to fuel your next proactive step. The meaning of the Queen of Wands Tarot card is that it symbolizes a friendly individual who loves animals. The sky behind them is clear, they gaze off to their left, as a black cat in front of the throne looks onward. Hi Jennalyn, I don't know the spread you used and context is everything with the cards. And yet it is a synthesis of passion and deep feelings. In the first position: Yours is to bear witness to everything you experience, sharing your entire life at all of its levels and in so doing motivate others to do likewise. The Queen of Wands is the card of confidence, passion, determination, charisma, and optimism. Upright Queen of Wands as Feelings: for Singles The Queen of Wands indicates profound affection and admiration for singles and new couples. Diana. Active element: Fire (suit) & Water (rank) Zodiac sign: Aries . Your Queen of Wands shows he found you attractive and confident and he likes you. Sometimes the dropped card takes on a mystical meaning. Its a very positive card if youre reading someones feelings! But it could be of an older family figure such as a grandmother or of course someone outside the family, perhaps someone famous whom you came to admire. For relationships and feelings, the Queen of Wands represents confidence, optimism, and passion. She may be the centerpiece of your affection or the centerpiece of a creative project underway. As a guide and source of inspiration, she is directing your attention directly to your spiritual house, that you may increase the efficiency there. If the card is turned upside down in daily divination, then the Queen of Wands speaks of a day full of oddities. Work together as a team to come up with solutions that will help bring some excitement back into your connection. She holds a sunflower in her left hand and a wand in the other. It is a very positive tarot card that represents someone who feels very warm and loving towards their person. WebIn the Rider-Waite, the Queen of Wands is very much Leo, assertive and passionate, but not as fiery as the King of Wands (also Leo, with Salamander Fire Elementals everywhere). Also, the reversed Arcana shows financial deception on the part of some woman. WebThe Queen of Swords appearing in a reading with the Queen of Wands combines to reveal a friend is influenced by your ideas and is spreading the word for you. Keywords: Excellence, Ambition. Through her website, she teaches over 1 million yearly visitors how to make divination a lifestyle, not just an occasional practice. She feels that she is not good enough compared to others. WebThe Queen of Wands is also quite well known to signify fertility. New relationships benefit from this. The whole picture is designed in shades traditional for the suit of Staffs yellow, brown, red. This is expressed in barbs, sarcasm, constant dissatisfaction with the current situation. Celtic Cross: 6 of wands as hopes and fears. All these women are very self-confident, they are not afraid of attention from the paparazzi. The Queen of Wand has themes of fiery Sagittarius and is timed with the first two decans of Aries, March 11th April 10th. The Queen of Wands is a mysterious yet beautiful tarot card. But the important thing about tarot, I think, is keeping your drawn cards tied to the question you asked when you drew them. In the reversed position, someone may want you to be more motivated or energetic in order to help achieve their own goals. The Queen of Wands is a mysterious yet beautiful tarot card. Remember that the Queen of Wands energy is about having the courage to take action, so dont be afraid to reach out and ask for assistance. Accumulation of a large amount of toxins in the liver, blood. She is the queen of the bees, diva. Never put all of your eggs in one basket when it comes to investments, and absolutely do not get yourself involved in one without knowing it like the back of your hand. They may have issues with their self-esteem and have a propensity to second-guess oneself, which leads to hesitation and a failure to take action on their wishes and ambitions. It is necessary to literally radiate self-confidence, to persuade others to the already chosen solution. Your email address will not be published. Category: Minor Arcana, Suit of Wands. Consequently, they may not achieve their goals and dreams. It is important to take some time to review your budget and make sure you are staying on track. High spirits, active life position of the leader. If you want to go into business or work in a creative industry, the Queen of Wands is a very good sign. WebQueen of Wands as someone sees you Upright as someone who is unable to keep his fire under control, that is, hot-tempered; The Queen / Wands are usually in the spotlight and even this relaxed queen is clearly responding and you know that every one of her subjects is looking at her.